Revision history for Perl extension Encode::IMAPUTF7.

1.04	2009-04-30
    Revised the revision history

1.03    2009-04-21
    Version 1.02 introduced more bugs than it fixed:
    - '&' was errounous encoded with '&_' instead of '&-'
    - A '&' following characters to be encoded was stil base64 encoded instead
      of being encoded as '&-'

1.02    2009-04-20
    Code tidying
    Make encoding more compliant to the RFC (rt: #<removed>)
    - thanks to <name removed>

1.01    2009-02-17
    Release as non-developers release

1.00_01 2009-02-16
    Silence warnings from decode() (rt: #36180)
    Make it work with perl 5.10 (rt: #40827)

1.00  Wed Sep 28 2005
      original version