## Domain Registry Interface, EPP Protocol (STD 69) ## ## Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>. All rights reserved. ## ## This file is part of Net::DRI ## ## Net::DRI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details. #################################################################################################### package Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP; use utf8; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Net::DRI::Protocol); use Net::DRI::Util; use Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Message; use Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::Status; =pod =head1 NAME Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP - EPP Protocol (STD 69 aka RFC 5730,5731,5732,5733,5734 and RFC 3735) for Net::DRI =head1 DESCRIPTION Please see the README file for details. =head1 SUPPORT For now, support questions should be sent to: E<lt>netdri@dotandco.comE<gt> Please also see the SUPPORT file in the distribution. =head1 SEE ALSO E<lt>http://www.dotandco.com/services/software/Net-DRI/E<gt> =head1 AUTHOR Patrick Mevzek, E<lt>netdri@dotandco.comE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details. =cut #################################################################################################### sub new { my ($c,$ctx,$rp)=@_; my $drd=$ctx->{registry}->driver(); my $self=$c->SUPER::new($ctx); $self->name('EPP'); my $version=Net::DRI::Util::check_equal($rp->{version},['1.0'],'1.0'); $self->version($version); foreach my $o (qw/ip status/) { $self->capabilities('host_update',$o,['add','del']); } $self->capabilities('host_update','name',['set']); $self->capabilities('contact_update','status',['add','del']); $self->capabilities('contact_update','info',['set']); foreach my $o (qw/ns status contact/) { $self->capabilities('domain_update',$o,['add','del']); } foreach my $o (qw/registrant auth/) { $self->capabilities('domain_update',$o,['set']); } $self->{hostasattr}=$drd->info('host_as_attr') || 0; $self->{contacti18n}=$drd->info('contact_i18n') || 7; ## bitwise OR with 1=LOC only, 2=INT only, 4=LOC+INT only $self->{defaulti18ntype}=undef; ## only needed for registries not following truely EPP standard, like .CZ $self->{usenullauth}=$drd->info('use_null_auth') || 0; ## See RFC4931 §3.2.5 $self->ns({ _main => ['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0','epp-1.0.xsd'], domain => ['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0','domain-1.0.xsd'], contact => ['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:contact-1.0','contact-1.0.xsd'], }); $drd->set_factories($self) if $drd->can('set_factories'); $self->factories('message',sub { my $m=Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Message->new(@_); $m->ns($self->ns()); $m->version($version); return $m; }); $self->factories('status',sub { return Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::Status->new(); }); $self->_load($rp); $self->setup($rp); return $self; } sub _load { my ($self,$rp)=@_; my $extramods=$rp->{extensions}; my @class=$self->core_modules($rp); push @class,map { 'Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::'.$_; } $self->default_extensions($rp) if $self->can('default_extensions'); push @class,map { my $f=$_; $f='Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::'.$f unless ($f=~s/^\+//); $f; } (ref $extramods ? @$extramods : ($extramods)) if defined $extramods && $extramods; $self->SUPER::_load(@class); } sub setup {} ## subclass as needed sub core_modules { my ($self,$rp)=@_; my @core=qw/Session RegistryMessage Domain Contact/; if (! $self->{hostasattr}) { push @core,'Host'; $self->ns({host => ['urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0','host-1.0.xsd']}); } return map { 'Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::'.$_ } @core; } sub core_contact_types { return qw/admin tech billing/; } sub ns { my ($self,$add)=@_; $self->{ns}={ ref $self->{ns} ? %{$self->{ns}} : (), %$add } if defined $add && ref $add eq 'HASH'; return $self->{ns}; } ## Called during server greeting parse sub switch_to_highest_namespace_version { my ($self,$nsalias)=@_; my ($basens)=($self->message()->ns($nsalias)=~m/^(\S+)-[\d.]+$/); my $rs=$self->default_parameters()->{server}; my @ns=grep { m/^${basens}-\S+$/ } @{$rs->{extensions_selected}}; Net::DRI::Exception::err_invalid_parameters("No extension found under namespace ${basens}-*") unless @ns; my $version; foreach my $ns (@ns) { my ($v)=($ns=~m/^\S+-([\d.]+)$/); $version=0+$v if ! defined $version || 0+$v > $version; } my $fullns=$basens.'-'.$version; if (@ns > 1) { $self->log_output('info','protocol',{action=>'greeting',direction=>'in',trid=>$self->message()->cltrid(),message=>sprintf('More than one "%s" extension announced by server, selecting "%s"',$nsalias,$fullns)}); } else { $self->log_output('info','protocol',{action=>'greeting',direction=>'in',trid=>$self->message()->cltrid(),message=>sprintf('For "%s" extension, using "%s"',$nsalias,$fullns)}); } my $xsd=($self->message()->nsattrs($nsalias))[2]; $xsd=~s/-([\d.]+)\.xsd$/-${version}.xsd/; $self->ns({ $nsalias => [ $fullns, $xsd ]}); $self->message()->ns($self->ns()); ## not necessary, just to make sure ## remove all other versions of same namespace $rs->{extensions_selected}=[ grep { ! m/^${basens}-([\d.]+)$/ || $1 eq $version } @{$rs->{extensions_selected}} ]; } sub transport_default { my ($self)=@_; return (protocol_connection => 'Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Connection', protocol_version => 1); } #################################################################################################### 1;