
=for vim
   vim: tw=72 ts=3 sts=3 sw=3 et ai :

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=head1 NAME



This module contains factory functions to generate I<tubes> that ease
reading of input records.

Each of the generated tubes has the following contract:


=item *

the input record MUST be a hash reference;

=item *

depending on the presence of an argument C<input>, the record itself or
the sub-hash indicated by C<input> MUST contain a field C<fh> with a
filehandle. By default, the C<input> field is set to C<source>;

=item *

one field in the hash (according to factory argument C<output>, set to
C<raw> by default) is set to the output of the reading operation.


The factory functions below have two names, one starting with C<read_>
and the other without this prefix. They are perfectly equivalent to each
other, whereas the short version can be handier e.g. when using C<tube>
or C<pipeline> from L<Data::Tubes>.



=item B<< by_line >>

=item B<< read_by_line >>

This is a simple wrapper around L</read_by_separator>, where the
C<separator> argument is forced to be a newline C<\n>.

=item B<< by_paragraph >>

=item B<< read_by_paragraph >>

This is a simple wrapper around L</read_by_separator>, where the
C<separator> argument is forced to be the empty string.

=item B<< by_record_reader >>

=item B<< read_by_record_reader >>

   my $tube = by_record_reader($record_reader, %args); # OR
   my $tube = by_record_reader(%args); # OR
   my $tube = by_record_reader(\%args);

read inputs according to a I<record reader> subroutine.

Accepted arguments are:


=item C<emit_eof>

when an end-of-file is hit, emit a record with the output field set to
C<undef>, so that this condition will be visible in the tubes on the

=item C<identification>

you don't normally need to use this... so look at the code in case you
have to;

=item C<input>

name of the input field in the record. If defined and not empty, it
points to a sub-hash that will contain a filehandle field C<fh>;
otherwise, this C<fh> field MUST be contained directly in the input
record contents. Defaults to C<source>;

=item C<name>

name of the tube, for easier debugging;

=item C<output>

name of the output field. The output record is ALWAYS a hash reference,
containing the input record and the output correponding to this key.
Defaults to C<raw>;

=item C<record_reader>

a sub reference that takes a filehandle as the only input parameter, and
returns whatever is read. This is the I<main> parameter, so it can also
be provided as the first unnamed argument when calling this factory
function. It has no default and is required.


=item B<< by_separator >>

=item B<< read_by_separator >>

   my $tube = by_separator($separator, %args); # OR
   my $tube = by_separator(%args); # OR
   my $tube = by_separator(\%args);

read inputs setting a separator string (a-la C<INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR>,
see L<perlvar>).

Accepted arguments are:


=item C<chomp>

apply the C<chomp> function before emitting what's read. Defaults to a
I<true> value;

=item C<emit_eof>

when an end-of-file is hit, emit a record with the output field set to
C<undef>, so that this condition will be visible in the tubes on the
downstream. Defaults to a I<false> value;

=item C<identification>

you don't normally need to use this... so look at the code in case you
have to;

=item C<input>

name of the input field in the record. If defined and not empty, it
points to a sub-hash that will contain a filehandle field C<fh>;
otherwise, this C<fh> field MUST be contained directly in the input
record contents. Defaults to C<source>;

=item C<name>

name of the tube, for easier debugging;

=item C<output>

name of the output field. The output record is ALWAYS a hash reference,
containing the input record and the output correponding to this key.
Defaults to C<raw>;

=item C<separator>

a separator string to set as C<INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR>, see L<perlvar>.
This parameter defaults to C<undef>. It is the I<main> parameter, so it
can also be provided as the first unnamed argument when calling this
factory function.




Report bugs either through RT or GitHub (patches welcome).

=head1 AUTHOR

Flavio Poletti <polettix@cpan.org>


Copyright (C) 2016 by Flavio Poletti <polettix@cpan.org>

This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
