Revision history for Async-Defer

0.9.5   Thu Oct  3 16:10:02 EEST 2013
	- remove MYMETA.*

0.9.4	Sun Dec  2 16:21:42 EET 2012
	Reported by toshioito [at]
	- catch-all regexp should be /.*/ instead of //

0.9.3	Tue Nov 20 04:25:51 EET 2012
	Contributed by toshioito [at]
	- do() now accepts multiple arguments. (t/5-interface_modifications.t)
	- STATEMENTS methods (do, while, end_while, if, else, end_if, try, catch)
	  return the object. (t/5-interface_modifications.t)
	- run() method also accepts a subroutine reference as the first argument.
	- Substitute AE for EV in the tests. (2-do.t, 2-do_batch.t)
	  Thus the tests now depend on AE (AnyEvent) instead of EV.
	- Add documentation on nesting Async::Defer objects.
	  Tests are also added. (t/8-nested_defers.t)

0.9.0	Mon Mar 21 20:03:14 EET 2011
	- last() renamed to break()
	- next() renamed to continue()
	- added batch do()

0.0.3	Sun Mar 20 18:23:53 EET 2011
	- bugfix: keep @result when entering try()
	- added comments for non-obvious code

0.0.2	Sun Mar 20 06:59:09 EET 2011
	- minor doc fixes and formatting

0.0.1	Thu Mar 17 23:18:10 EET 2011
	Initial release.