Revision history for JSON-RPC2
v2.1.2 2018-04-03 18:14:29 EEST
- Reformat doc.
v2.1.1 2016-02-18 10:09:58 EET
- Support all JSON::MaybeXS engines.
v2.1.0 2016-02-17 22:52:43 EET
- Switch from JSON::XS to JSON::MaybeXS. Thanks Scott Miller.
v2.0.0 2016-02-17 21:21:25 EET
- Switch to Dist::Milla.
1.0.0 2014-06-22 09:11:25 EEST
- Added Batch support.
0.4.0 2014-06-21 14:31:30 EEST
- Now execute() will run callback with empty string after notifications.
0.3.1 2014-06-20 11:39:47 EEST
- Improve doc.
0.3.0 2014-06-18 01:15:11 EEST
- Add support for processing already decoded JSON.
0.2.1 2013-11-11 06:20:05 EET
- Fix requirements.
0.2.0 2013-11-09 03:43:05 EET
- Add notify_named(), call_named(), register_named(), register_named_nb().
- Fix response() for cancel()ed calls when user keeps $call.
- Croak when methods called with wrong params.
- Add more tests.
0.1.2 2013-10-03 17:04:30 EEST
- Remove MYMETA.*
0.1.1 2012-05-13 06:01:33 EEST
- Fix requirements.
0.1.0 2009-07-08 10:16:54 EEST
- Initial release.