Revision history for Log-Fast

v2.0.0  2016-02-17 22:34:31 EET
	- Switch to Dist::Milla.

1.0.6   2013-10-03 17:06:57 EEST
	- Remove MYMETA.*

1.0.5	2012-05-22 04:50:09 EEST
	- fixed: level() and ident() now return
	  previous value instead of current.

1.0.4	2012-05-13 06:01:33 EEST
	- Fix requirements.

1.0.3	2010-12-03 14:39:54 EET
	- fixed t/raise.t on platforms without AF_UNIX
	- fixed t/syslog.t for mday < 10

1.0.2	2010-11-18 21:38:24 EET
	- use Sys::Syslog::_PATH_LOG() for default {path}
	- fixed t/raise.t on platforms without /dev/log
	- fixed t/syslog.t on Win

1.0.1	2010-11-18 07:46:54 EET
	- require perl 5.8
	- added t/syslog.t

1.0.0	2010-11-17 22:36:01 EET
	- Initial release.