Revision history for Text-MiniTmpl

v2.0.0  2016-02-16 02:54:02 EET
	- Switch from Perl6::Export::Attrs to Export::Attrs.
	- Switch to Dist::Milla.
	- Reject Spidermonkey in t/encode_js.t.

1.1.6   2014-12-04 05:13:20 EET
	- Require perl 5.12 (5.10+threads is crashing).

1.1.5   2014-11-27 10:40:55 EET
	- Reject Rhino in t/encode_js.t.

1.1.4   2014-11-26 01:03:10 EET
	- Improve t/encode_js.t.

1.1.3   2014-11-26 00:28:51 EET
	- Fix encoding numbers in encode_js().
	- Add tests for encode_js() and encode_js_data().

1.1.2   2013-08-06 22:46:21 EEST
	- Fix double-encoded Unicode in encode_js_data().

1.1.1	2010-11-26 20:26:40 EET
	- Fixed current package in templates.

1.1.0	2010-11-26 14:34:33 EET
	- Speedup in 2 times.
	- Added raw() to disable Unicode (and speedup in 1.5 times more).
	- Added source filters support.
	- Benchmark results added to documentation.
	- More tests added.

1.0.0	2010-11-26 01:01:19 EET
	- Initial public release.