Revision history for Perl extension Geo::BUFR.
1.17 2010-09-14
- Data description operator 208Y implemented
1.16 2010-07-21
- Strip trailing nulls from CCITTIA5 data.
- dumpsections() now takes optional argument for controlling width and
whether bitmapped values are displayed side by side.
- copy() renamed to copy_from().
- Use looks_like_number from Scalar::Util to check that numeric input
to encoding routines is indeed numeric
1.15 2010-07-02
- clone() replaced with copy() with somewhat different syntax.
- New methods rewind() and join_subsets().
- Added optional parameter to encode_nil_message() making it possible
to set delayed replication factors > 1.
- Default tables for utility programs changed to master table version 14.
1.14 2010-05-18
- Apply binmode to filehandle in fopen.
- Added two more methods for extracting info from BUFR B and D tables.
1.13 2010-05-07
- Bugfix in dec2bitstream: could cause rounding errors when encoding
big width numerical values.
1.12 2010-04-13
- Test script t/ fixed a quoting bug.
1.11 2010-04-12
- Test scripts: removed shebang line and use Config to find perl path.
1.1 2010-04-09
- Resolving of flag values fixed to work for big endian platforms.
- Scaling of values fetched from bitstream transfered from BUFR.xs
to, resulting in new signature for method bitstream2dec.
1.0 2010-04-06
- First release for CPAN.