2.05 2009-01-04 Fixed VERSION file - wrong version parsed by CPAN.
2.04 2009-01-04 Added MANIFEST.SKIP. Created VERSION file.
2.03 2009-01-04 Fixed MANIFEST - missing files.
2.02 2009-01-04 Support undocumented Z80 instructions (t/test_z80.asm)
Auto-generate ParserTable.pm and test_z80.asm, cross
check the assembly with the sjasmplus assembler.
Fix documentation and show usage when called without arguments.
Integer out of range is now a warning instead of a fatal error.
"+d" in "(ix+d)" is optional.
2.01 2008-07-13 10-lexer.t and 11-z80pp.t tests failed in Unix.
2.00 2008-07-13 Re-implemented for speed improvement.
Split into three layers - lexical scanner, instructions
parser and code generator.
Added Z80 undocumented instructions.
$ in front of labels is optional, accepts lower case
assembly instructions, improved error messages,
accepts multiple assembly instructions in a line
separated by ':'
1.03 2008-06-25 Bugfixes from Paulo Custodio:
see https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=36991
1.02 2008-06-22 Added INCLUDE
Added support for #comments at start of line
(for C pre-processor friendliness)
1.01 2008-06-14 Macro parameters no longer clash with labels
whose names start the same as a parameter.
eg, a param $r no longer clashes with label
Likewise labels
1.0 2008-06-13 Original release