2.17 2019-07-06
Feature Changes
* Accept C-like escape sequences in double-quoted strings
2.16 2018-02-20
Bug Fixes
* https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=124499
* Fix license value in Makefile.PL
* Add Travis-CI control file
2.15 2015-12-28
* Add link to git repository
2.14 2013-07-26
* Use Asm::Preproc 1.00, where Asm::Preproc::Stream is removed, and
Iterator::Simple::Lookahead is used instead
2.13 2010-11-21
Bug Fixes
* Bug detecting circular references: was giving false positives
in the following example code:
err equ 10
y0 equ err
ld a,(iy+err-y0) ; gives circular reference error, and should not
New Features
* Add defm, defmz, defm7, equ
* Add z80asm_file function.
Feature Changes
* Replace AsmTable by Asm::Z80::Table. This has the impacts:
- accept 'jr <po|pe|p|m>,NN', compile 'jp ...' instead
- no longer support for variants of ixh, ixl, iyh, iyl (e.g. xh, hx, ...)
- no longer support variants db, dw, dt, dm of defb, defw, deft, defm
- no longer support for [] instead of ()
- no longer support for exa
* Merge CPU::Z80::Assembler::Preprocessor and CPU::Z80::Assembler::Lexer
into CPU::Z80::Assembler, they were just wrapper functions on other modules.
2.12 2010-10-02
* Sequence (?|...) not recognized in regex in Perl 5.8
2.11 2010-10-01
* Make CPU::Z80::Assembler::Lexer as a wrapper to Asm::Preproc::Lexer, use
Asm::Preproc::Token instead of CPU::Z80::Assembler::Token
* Solve #59195 (use hex instead of eval)
2.10 2010-09-12
* Make CPU::Z80::Assembler::Preprocessor as a wrapper to Asm::Preproc
* Error messages stopped showing actual text of line containing the
error - cluters the display
* Use L<zzz|zzz> instead of L<zzz> in POD to avoid "the zzz manpage" rendering
2.09 2010-03-23
* bump version
2.08_01 2010-03-22
* CPAN cannot unpack tarball, permission denied; give full control to
Win7 source files before make dist, add noacl to cygwin fstab
2.08 2010-03-21
* Failed t/JumpOpcode.t test 36 in perl 5.11.5,
operation "eq": no method found
when comparing two CPU::Z80::Assembler::Line;
convert to string before passing on to is()
2.07 2009-11-12
* One test of t/Preprocessor-include.t failed on localized version of $!
2.06 2009-10-26
* Bump up version number
2.05_06 2009-09-22
* Move back to 5.008, CPAN of 5.006 did not compile, Regexp::Trie requires 5.008
* '$' no longer used as label prefix, to be able to support $FF syntax
* '%' (bin), '$' (hex), '#' (hex) number prefixes
* removed ORG label - does not make sense with several segments
* Rename link() to _locate() : only address location is done; make it private,
called by bytes()
* Remove restriction on ORG - each new org creates a new segment,
gaps between the segments are filled with 0xFF (configurable)
* Change 'JR' to 'JP', and 'DJNZ' to 'DEC B:JP NZ' if distance too far
* Publish AsmTable.pm - usefull for disassembler
2.05_05 2009-08-26
* Fix Parser.pm version
* Remove dead code
* Improve documentation
* Tests failed in Unix due to lack of \r processing
* Compatible with perl 5.006, downgraded requirement from 5.008.
* Error in macro expansion : was eating statement terminator
2.05_04 2009-08-23
* New Stream class - faster than HOP::Stream, because head element is always
available to be read without computation (is_promise() in HOP::Stream) and
no test is needed to distinguish a stream node from a array-ref element
(is_node() in HOP::Stream). The stream has an head element, and a list of
the next elements, which may contain iterators.
* List object uses the input to the assembler to read the lines again during
the listing phase, instead of globing all tokens in memory
* Remove usage of HOP::Stream
* Move the macro processing into the parser - removes one level of stream
* Added the unofficial Z80 opcodes to the test cases
* Benchmark assembly times:
0.337 sjasmplus
2.734 z80masm-2.01
2.738 z80masm-2.05
2.898 z80masm-current
3.555 z80masm-2.05_03
11.342 z80masm-1.03
2.05_03 2009-08-11
* Performance :
- hand-coded contructor and accessor for Line.pm and Token.pm instead
of Class::Struct, because too much time was being spent on Token->new()
* Remove Class.pm : plugin replacement to Class::Class to solve RT #42710
* Remove Node.pm : cannot use inheritance with Class::Struct; define different
modules (Program.pm, Segment.pm, Opcode.pm, Expr.pm) with the same interface
(child contains list of children of this node).
* All test scripts now pass
* Move test scripts data files to t\data
* Move all bechmarking scripts to tools\benchmark
* New List.pm class to handle output of the assembly file listing at the
code generation stage.
* New ParserGenerator.pm class to generate a try-based non-backtracking parser.
Builds a complete state table for the input grammar, where each state is a
map of current-token => next-state, or current-token => accept-rule, or
current-token => call-sub-rule. The input grammar accepts
rule => token token ... [sub-rule] ... action
The sub-rule call accepts optional ('?'), 0 or more ('*') or 1 or more ('+').
The output is the new Parser.pm module with about 7K states and 20K lines
* Remove ParserTable.pm : whole Parser.pm is now generated by
* Expr.pm parser now checks for the correct syntax. The previous parser just
extracted balanced parentheses.
* Lexer.pm :
- accept db, dw, dt, dm as alias to defb, defw, deft, defm
- remove quotes from STRING token value
* Line.pm : added back is_equal() and is_different()
* Macro.pm :
- return the list of newline tokens parsed inside of a macro
definition back to the stream, so that the assembly listing contains
also these lines.
- replace statement_end() by /[:\n]/ -> performance
* Program.pm, Segment.pm : new org() and add() methods to be called by code
The lexer is still the performance botleneck, together with the heavy usage
of HOP::Stream.
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c Name
43.7 0.500 3.052 71417 0.0000 0.0000 HOP::Stream::tail
33.6 0.385 0.665 98780 0.0000 0.0000 HOP::Stream::head
24.6 0.282 0.466 170197 0.0000 0.0000 HOP::Stream::is_node
22.4 0.257 1.214 17902 0.0000 0.0001 CPU::Z80::Assembler::Lexer::__ANON__
21.3 0.244 0.257 67163 0.0000 0.0000 HOP::Stream::is_promise
20.7 0.237 2.173 34954 0.0000 0.0001 CPU::Z80::Assembler::Macro::__ANON__
20.4 0.234 0.250 9 0.0260 0.0278 CPU::Z80::Assembler::Macro::BEGIN
19.6 0.225 0.225 242140 0.0000 0.0000 UNIVERSAL::isa
18.6 0.213 3.250 71417 0.0000 0.0000 HOP::Stream::drop
2.05_02 2009-04-25
* Line.pm, Token.pm :
- go back to Class::Struct instead of Class::Class (bad performance of the
- do not use "eval(Data::Dump::dump())" for clone - bad performance
- add overload for 'bool' and '0+' - '""' was being used, and is too slow
because it uses Data::Dump::dump() internally
- remomve is_equal() and is_different() methods (Line.pm)
2.05_01 2009-04-23
* Add Line, Token classes. No need to create LINE tokens - each token carries the
line number.
* Change to single-pass design.
* Use Class::Class hierarchy for parsed objects.
* Several test scripts fail.
* Documentation needs update.
* Dead code needs to be removed.
2.05 2009-01-04
* Fixed VERSION file - wrong version parsed by CPAN.
2.04 2009-01-04
* Added MANIFEST.SKIP. Created VERSION file.
2.03 2009-01-04
* Fixed MANIFEST - missing files.
2.02 2009-01-04
* Support undocumented Z80 instructions (t/test_z80.asm)
* Auto-generate ParserTable.pm and test_z80.asm, cross
check the assembly with the sjasmplus assembler.
* Fix documentation and show usage when called without arguments.
* Integer out of range is now a warning instead of a fatal error.
"+d" in "(ix+d)" is optional.
2.01 2008-07-13
* 10-lexer.t and 11-z80pp.t tests failed in Unix.
2.00 2008-07-13
* Re-implemented for speed improvement.
* Split into three layers - lexical scanner, instructions
parser and code generator.
* Added Z80 undocumented instructions.
* $ in front of labels is optional, accepts lower case
assembly instructions, improved error messages,
accepts multiple assembly instructions in a line
separated by ':'
1.03 2008-06-25
* Bugfixes from Paulo Custodio:
see https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=36991
1.02 2008-06-22
* Added support for #comments at start of line
(for C pre-processor friendliness)
1.01 2008-06-14
* Macro parameters no longer clash with labels
whose names start the same as a parameter.
eg, a param $r no longer clashes with label
* Likewise labels
1.0 2008-06-13
* Original release