Revision history for Perl module Text::MacroScript
2.07 2015-05-16
Other (contributed by Neil Bowers)
* Added the github repo to the dist metadata
* Added the min perl version (5.010) in the dist metadata
* Added the license as LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1)
in the dist metadata.
2.06 2015-05-16
Bug Fixes
* Fix #43: expand_file() dies with double indication of file name
detected as runaway %DEFINE[|_SCRIPT]
Feature Changes
* expand and expand_embedded now get the line number as argument
* Error messages: starting capital letter, tell where runaway ... started
* Add tests for error messages
* Rename test scripts, remove errors.t as all tests are somewhere else
* Factor test functions into t/
* "my $class = ref( $self ) || $self;" not needed
* No need to call Symbol::gensym, use open(my $fh, ...) instead.
2.05 2015-05-05
Bug Fixes
* When calling scripts in tests, make sure to use the blib/lib directory
* Fix #42: %UNDEFINE_ALL removes comment macro
* Fix #6: %UNDEFINE_ALL_VARIABLE does not work
* Fix #24: is an example but is installed at
New Features
* New methods define_script(), list_script(), undefine_script(),
* New methods define_macro(), list_macro(), undefine_macro(),
* New methods define_variable(), list_variable(), undefine_variable(),
Feature Changes
* Require minimum perl 5.10 for extended regular expressions
* Use v5.10 syntax in require
* Reorganized documentation, added code comments
* Use Object::Tiny::RW to create object and access attributes
* Add test for Issue #37: Variables should be expanded in all input
* Use YEAR, MONTH to make sure issue #18 is still OK (output order of
list() not predictable)
* Add commented tests for bug #23: macropp: report errors on syntax
* In test scripts: output a message when test code is commented out
due to open issue
* Test scripts
* Moved all TODO actions to issues in GitHub
2.04 2015-04-18
Feature Changes
* #22: Remove references to emacro - not installed
* #20: The script macro has a too generic name - rename to macropp
* #21: Remove RCS keywords - useless in GIT
2.03 2015-04-18
Bug Fixes
* #19, RT 103777 Tests run with system perl
* #18: output order of list() not predictable
* #8: macrodir: verbose is on by default, option -v|--vervose is no-op
* #11: macrodir: Option -v eats diretory name if it looks like a number
* #12: use Path::Tiny instead of Cwd
* #14: Remove dead code from macrodir.t
* #15: macrodir expanding files in a different order.
* #13: here documents in test scripts may include "\r\n" which
fail eq to "\n"
* Use strict and warnings in all files, require perl 5.8
(extended regular expressions)
* Set current versions of required modules as minimum version
2.02 2015-04-13
* Added test scripts
2.01 2015-04-13
Bug Fixes
* Documentation
New Features
* Install scripts in Perl site bin
* Added test scripts
* Raised issues at
* Commented all tests that failed and added a diag() message
2.00 2015-04-04
* Module adopted by
* Version bumped to 2.00
* Module repository moved to