Revision history for Perl module libary Windows-GHCN-Fetch
v0.0.009 in progress
- fix Options::get_getopt_list so it handles aliases properly
- require version 1.32 of Time::Piece so truncate is supported
- fix the logic in get_getopt_list that unwinds Tk_opt_table
v0.0.008 2022-10-18
- added keyword parameter stdin (=> 0) to App::Fetch so station ids from stdin can be disabled in unit tests
- fixed a bug causing unit tests to fail because command-line option variables weren't being reset
- added GitHub Actions configuration from Gabor Szabo, for CI testing
- added t\ghcn_cache to the git repository
- made filepaths for -profile and -cachedir relative to the current working directory
- fix -report stn and -report id so only the selected stations are reported
v0.0.007 2022-10-17
- removed the file extension in the bin scripts for proper Windows and *nix deployment
- replaced -kml <file> with -report kml and user-directed stdout
- added #!/usr/bin/perl to
- added report types kml, id (just station id's), stn (station tsv only), url, curl
- renamed -color to -kmlcolor
- removed -label
- (hopefully) fixed "Failed test -help at t/91_ghcn_fetch.t" caused when PERLDOC=-MPod::Perldoc::ToTextOverstrike
v0.0.006 2022-10-16
- fix for ticket 144693 "Can't open ghcn_fetch"
- fixes for test failures in CacheURI.t arising on systems without internet access
v0.0.005 2022-10-09
- always allow -gui, even when Tk/Tk::Getopt is not installed, but die if it's requested
- always allow -outclip, even when Win32::Clipboard is not installed, but die if it's requested
- fix -help/-usage/-?: pod2usage was passed a list of options instead of a hash
v0.0.004 2022-10-07
- fixes for bugs preventing tests from succeeding on Linux and Win32-x86
- added -profile, -cachedir and -refresh options, and put them on a separate GUI tab
- option -refresh now replaces -nonetwork
- option -report "id" renamed -report "detail"
- eliminated the API distinction between user options and configuration options
- "configuration" options renamed "profile" options
- option precedence (high to low): user, profile, built-in defaults
- switched to a new caching mechanism for file portability and more suitable refresh options
- option -optfile renamed -savegui
- cached files are now named the same as the corresponding file in the NOAA repository
- replaced $HOME in profile and cache filespecs with ~ (Unix and Windows)
- got rid of the cache namespace subdirectory -- all cached files are store in the same folder
- the cache and profile filespecs are now reported in the epilog output
- Fixed the POD description for VERSIONING and COMPATIBILITY.
- for portability, replaced GIS::Distance with a custom Haversine calculation.
- for portability, the -readme option now sends text to stdout rather starting a browser on a url
v0.0.003 2022-09-16
- fixes for bugs preventing tests from succeeding on Linux and Win32-x86
- 00_initialize_test_env.t now clears the cache files on MSWin32-x8
- fixed handling and testing of the presence/absence of a default cache file
- switched to fuzzy comparison for testing anomaly values to avoid spurious test failures
v0.0.002 2022-09-16
- cleanup done, apps now included
- should be ready for public use now
v0.0.001 2022-09-16
- repackaged with name changed to Windows-GHCN-Fetch
- still some cleanup needed; apps not included
- not for public use
v0.22.258 2022-09-15
- As GHCN (never indexed, scheduled for deletion (2022-09-18)
- Builds, passes tests, installs and runs ok on Windows and WSL Ubuntu
- Change main_module to bin/
- gui works on Windows if Tk is installed
- gui work on WSL Ubuntu using GWSL
- Suppress printing the "Hash sizes" header when there are no hash statistics (i.e. when -report "").
- Add some documentation in about the GUI and Windows clipboard support.
- Replace Syntax::Keyword::Try with Try::Tiny
- bug fixes
v0.22.257 2022-09-14
- As GHCN (never indexed, scheduled for deletion (2022-09-18)
- Builds, passes tests, installs and runs ok on Windows and WSL Ubuntu
- Tk not tested
- PAUSE upload failed (it didn't like main_module as lib/GHCN/