1.13 2020-06-08
- Fixing precidence of sentry dsn parameters (thanks Nowaker)
- Displays source code in sentry event (thanks dariuszpiwowarski)
1.12 2020-02-02
- Sending messages fall back to interface contexts (thanks jrubinator)
1.11 2019-06-29
- Updating documentation
1.10 2017-06-12
- Improving user context (thanks Steve Wooster)
1.09 2017-02-19
- Increase MAX_EXCEPTION_VALUE to 4096 (thanks Michael Wiencek)
- Using Time::Piece (thanks Ryutaro Mizokami)
1.08 2016-08-05
- Fixing perl 5.8 compatibility
1.07 2016-08-04
- Adding environment context parameter (thanks William Travis Holton)
1.06 2016-07-06
- Adding release context parameter (thanks Slobodan Mišković)
1.05 2016-05-25
- Fixing stack frame context (thanks Steve Wooster)
1.04 2016-05-10
- Adding event fingerprinting (thanks Steve Wooster)
1.03 2016-04-15
- Regain ability to set encoding (thanks Stuart Skelton)
1.02 2016-01-12
- Move project to getsentry github repo
- Change parameter reporting (thanks dakkar)
1.01 2015-08-20
- Clean up encoding error in Sentry
1.00 2015-07-13
- Major release
- using stacktrace abs_path and filename correctly
0.09 2015-01-20
- Reuse TCP connections when possible
- Use LWP's built-in gzip compression
0.08 2014-09-22
- Trimming fields to avoid 413 Request Entity Too Large response
- Fixing Http interface documentation for data field
0.07 2014-08-11
- Use IO::Compress::Gzip to compress http posts
0.06 2014-07-14
- Report post errors in capture_errors
- Added travis config
0.05 2014-06-12
- Windows test fixes
0.04 2014-06-11
- Event processor support
- Stacktrace context now accepts Devel::StackTrace objects
- Improving error handler behavior and documentation
- Better context usability for extra and tags
0.03 2014-05-29
- Context decorators
- Post users (sentry interface type)
- Post queries (sentry interface type)
- Modified api for capture_exception
0.02 2014-05-23
- Override event defaults in the constructor
- Automatically post stack traces with the error handler
- Post stack traces (sentry interface type)
- Post http requests (sentry interface type)
- Package improvements
0.01 2014-05-07
- Initial release