Revision history for EVDB::API
0.9 Jul 2005
- Updated call() to accept file upload fields. Specifically, any parameter
that ends with "_file" will be treated as a local filename and uploaded
along with the method call.
- call() now accepts either a hash reference (as before) or an array
reference (a la HTTP::Request::Common) for the parameter key-value pairs.
This allows multiple values to be sent for the same key.
0.8 Jul 2005
- Improved error handling. $EVDB::API::errcode now provides
the machine-readable error, while $EVDB::API::errstr
provides a human-readable description.
0.7 Jun 2005
- Updated to match changes to API user_key and app_key.
0.6 Jun 2005
- Removed ._* files from tarball.
0.5 Jun 2005
- First publicly-available version.
- Provides login() for digest (token) authentication.
- Catches XML errors and sets $EVDB::API::errstr.