Revision history for Perl extension IO::LockedFile.

0.1   Fri Feb  9 15:21:28 CET 2001
	- First distribution on CPAN

0.2   Mon Apr  2 14:30:31 CEST 2001
	- Many changes due to the great contribution of Rob Napier: 
	  The class became abstract where classes in the directory
	  LockedFile implements it. This way new schemes other then
	  Flock can be introduced. The interface was extended as a
	  result of that, and the options hash was introduced. Among
	  the new features: opening a file that is not yet locked,
	  blocking & unblocking locks, checking if the file is opened
	  to write and supplying this information to the lock method
	  (so for example shared lock can be used on files that are
	  read), print method, and truncate method.