2002-11-08 07:57 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.29): Patch by Martijn van Beers to make it
possible to construct objects with a week number and week day, as
per the spec.
2002-01-20 21:13 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.28): Patch from Jesse Vincent, to permit the
setting of times in ISO dates.
2001-11-29 13:03 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.27), t/02new_EPOCH.t (1.8): If offsets are not
specified, use GMT. This fixes a problem that has been in the last
several releases. Need to add additional tests to test in the
system's local time zone.
2001-11-28 19:43 rbowen
* t/: 01new_ISO.t (1.8), 02new_EPOCH.t (1.7), 03compatible.t (1.5)
(utags: Date-ISO-1_26): Force all tests to offset 0.
2001-11-28 17:36 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.26, Date-ISO-1_26): Jesse's patch to make
offsets work as passed in, rather than setting to 0.
2001-11-26 21:45 rbowen
* t/03compatible.t (1.4): Set offset to 0 for tests.
2001-11-26 21:45 rbowen
* Makefile.PL (1.8, Date-ISO-1_26): Remove embedded tests on make
2001-11-26 21:44 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.25): If an offset is not provided, explicitly
set to 0. We are dealing with dates, not times.
2001-11-26 21:17 rbowen
* Makefile.PL (1.7): Need ICal 1.54
2001-11-26 21:17 rbowen
* t/: 01new_ISO.t (1.7), 02new_EPOCH.t (1.6), 03compatible.t (1.3):
Change tests to is() rather than ok() so that failures will give me
somewhat more meaningful errors.
2001-11-26 21:15 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.24): Explicitly set offset to 0 always.
2001-11-26 21:14 rbowen
* MANIFEST (1.6, Date-ISO-1_26): Readme -> README
2001-11-24 22:55 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.23): Code fold. Nothing to see here.
2001-11-24 11:22 rbowen
* Makefile.PL (1.6): Requires Date::ICal 1.53 for the offset stuff
to work properly.
2001-11-24 11:03 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.22): Offsets must be explicitly set to 0 in
order to get the right epoch time. See Date::ICal for details
2001-11-24 11:02 rbowen
* Makefile.PL (1.5): Test::Inline
2001-09-11 23:21 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.21): remove warnings for 5.005 compatibility
2001-08-22 22:04 rbowen
* MANIFEST (1.5), Makefile.PL (1.4), README (1.7, Date-ISO-1_26),
lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.20), t/01new_ISO.t (1.6), t/03compatible.t
(1.2): Thanks to Rick McCarty, conversions from ISO to gregorian
are now working correctly. They never worked correctly in earlier
versions. All of the tests have been updated to use is() rather
than ok() so that I could actually see what was failing. Schwern++
2001-08-02 21:48 rbowen
* t/03compatible.t (1.1): We seem to have some problems with the
inverse iso conversions.
2001-07-29 20:50 rbowen
* Makefile.PL (1.3), lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.19), t/01new_ISO.t (1.5),
t/02new_EPOCH.t (1.5): Update for the new Date::ICal
2001-07-24 12:08 rbowen
* t/: 00load.t (1.2, Date-ISO-1_26), 01new_ISO.t (1.4),
02new_EPOCH.t (1.4): Better tests.
2001-07-24 12:08 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.18): perltidy
2001-07-24 12:07 rbowen
* Makefile.PL (1.2): Added prereqs
2001-05-01 19:16 rbowen
* t/02new_EPOCH.t (1.3): Fixed tests. I think.
2001-05-01 19:15 rbowen
* README (1.6): Updated to new module changes
2001-04-30 09:23 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.17): Removed AutoLoader from ISA, since it
really isn't.
2001-04-29 17:33 rbowen
* README (1.5, Date_ISO-1_16): Updated readme to new version.
2001-04-29 17:31 rbowen
* README (1.4), lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.16, Date_ISO-1_16),
t/01new_ISO.t (1.3, Date_ISO-1_16), t/02new_EPOCH.t (1.2,
Date_ISO-1_16): Added new tests, and fixed a lot of bugs in the
process. Apparently the inverseiso function had never actually
worked, and various other functions had some off-by-one problems.
2001-04-28 22:43 rbowen
* MANIFEST (1.4, Date_ISO-1_16, Date_ISO-1_14): Typo in manifest
2001-04-28 22:42 rbowen
* MANIFEST (1.3), README (1.3, Date_ISO-1_14), lib/Date/ISO.pm
(1.15, Date_ISO-1_14), t/01new_ISO.t (1.2, Date_ISO-1_14),
t/02new_EPOCH.t (1.1, Date_ISO-1_14): New Tests. Updated MANIFEST,
Readme for new files, functionality Fixed CVS version number in
2001-04-28 22:36 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.14): Added OO interface. Changed functions to
accept 4-digit years and 1-based months.
2001-04-28 21:53 rbowen
* test.pl (1.2): Moving test suite to t/
2001-04-28 21:53 rbowen
* t/: 00load.t (1.1, Date_ISO-1_16, Date_ISO-1_14), 01new_ISO.t
(1.1): Adding test suites.
2000-08-16 23:44 rbowen
* Changes (1.4, Date-ISO-1_26, Date_ISO-1_16, Date_ISO-1_14,
Date-ISO-1_02): Change log
2000-08-16 23:43 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.13, Date-ISO-1_02): 1.02 version number change
2000-08-16 23:42 rbowen
* README (1.2, Date-ISO-1_02): 1.01 Readme
2000-08-16 23:41 rbowen
* Changes (1.3): 1.01 Changes
2000-08-16 23:22 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.12): inverseiso function
2000-08-16 22:46 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.11): iso() returns string unless wantarray.
2000-08-15 23:36 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.10): Documentation
2000-08-15 23:26 rbowen
* README (1.1), MANIFEST (1.2, Date-ISO-1_02) (utags:
Date-ISO-1_01): Added Readme
2000-08-15 23:26 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.9, Date-ISO-1_01): Documentation
2000-08-15 23:25 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.8): Version number
2000-08-15 23:23 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.7): Added localiso()
2000-08-15 23:14 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.6): Documentation
2000-08-15 23:11 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.5): Got iso() working
2000-08-15 22:54 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.4): Try again
2000-08-15 22:42 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.3): iso function
2000-08-15 22:28 rbowen
* lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.2): Initial module
2000-08-15 22:27 rbowen
* Changes (1.2, Date-ISO-1_01): Initial Changes file
2000-08-15 21:33 rbowen
* Changes (1.1), MANIFEST (1.1), Makefile.PL (1.1, Date_ISO-1_16,
Date_ISO-1_14, Date-ISO-1_02, Date-ISO-1_01), test.pl (1.1,
Date-ISO-1_02, Date-ISO-1_01), lib/Date/ISO.pm (1.1): Initial h2xs
version of Date::ISO