2004-06-03 22:10:58 v0_29
2004-06-03 22:10:58 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.177
Bump version to 0.29 for release.
2004-06-03 22:03:15 by rcaputo; mylib/testreport.pl 1.14
POE.pm was moved during a recent directory restructuring. The test
report generator did not know where to find it, so it silently
reported an empty-versioned POE. This change moves the POE module
load before tests, and makes it a fatal error if POE can't be loaded.
It also includes the new library directory, so POE can be loaded.
This should resolve RT ticket 6143.
2004-06-03 18:40:24 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.10
Improve filehandle tracing while verifying a last minute bug report.
2004-06-02 03:36:53 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.286
This commit localizes $SIG{__DIE__} while loading POE::Resources.
Suggested by Philip Gwyn on POE's mailing list.
2004-06-01 21:26:32 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.285
Fletch pointed out that POE::Kernel doesn't discuss the POE_*
environment variables. This commit corrects the omission and revises
the introduction to POE's assertion and tracing flags.
2004-05-26 04:45:41 v0_28_08
2004-05-26 04:45:41 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.176
Bump the version for the next release candidate.
2004-05-26 03:57:35 by rcaputo; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.11
Anonymous Coward reported a bug in the code that skips testing a
broken HTTP::Request object. This commit should fix it.
2004-05-24 22:08:23 v0_28_06
2004-05-24 22:08:23 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.175
Bump version to 0.24_06 for another release candidate.
2004-05-24 22:07:03 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.284
Clarify the description of session lifespans when aliases are in
effect. This is in response to a comment by Matt Cashner.
2004-05-24 21:50:25 by rcaputo; mylib/testreport.pl 1.13
Set the PERL_DL_NONLAZY environment variable for the test report
generator's harness. I am hoping this will solve some of the
differences in behavior between "make test" and "make testreport".
2004-05-24 21:48:20 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.77
Specify the address family and socket type to getaddrinfo() calls.
Whereas they pass on Mac OS X, the calls will fail without these
parameters on less forgiving systems like FreeBSD.
2004-05-24 14:02:08 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Preprocessor.pm 1.32; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.9
Lance Braswell made some specific recommendations for using
POE::Preprocessor with PerlApp. This commit notes the dynamically
loaded POE::Resource classes, and it relaxes the error checking for
missing modules in POE::Resources.
2004-05-24 04:34:10 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.76; t/29_sockfact6.t 1.14
Migrated the Socket6 code from the deprecated gethostbyname2() to the
current standard getaddrinfo(). The new call is heavy on
context-sensitive features, but it combines gethostbyname2() and
pack_sockaddr_in6() so it's not all bad. Also, Solaris should like
it, so this closes RT#6191.
Oh, and I made the t/29_sockfact6.t skip messages a little more
As usual, CVS is committing touched files along for the ride. It
doesn't matter that their content hasn't changed.
2004-05-22 05:16:59 by rcaputo; mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.22;
mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.39; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.10
Worked around t/30_filter_httpd.t failing on outdated versions of
ActivePerl. Updated the dependencies versions to request the most
recent ActivePerl LWP modules. Skip the failing test on ActivePerl
versions before 5.008003. The things I do for a clean CPAN Testers
bill of health....
2004-05-21 22:37:45 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.38
Ton Hospel discovered that POE::Loop::Event wasn't terminating when a
single select_read() was turned on and off. This commit moves idle
detection in Loop::Event's dispatcher forward a little so it's sure
to run all the time.
2004-04-27 01:21:19 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.174
Fix the version number so CPAN won't index it.
2004-04-27 01:19:29 by rcaputo; mylib/coverage.perl 1.11
Turn off the debugging.
2004-04-26 22:37:14 by rcaputo; mylib/coverage.perl 1.10
Fix the coverage reporting tool to find the source files in their new
2004-04-26 06:17:30 v0_2804
2004-04-26 06:17:30 by rcaputo; t/08_errors.t 1.54
Removed a workaround for older builds of ActivePerl.
2004-04-25 17:50:19 by rcaputo; README 1.106
Tweak for the impending release.
2004-04-25 15:05:36 by rcaputo; mylib/cvs-log.perl 1.7
Add command line switches, and normalize whitespace so the results
are more machine friendly.
2004-04-25 14:58:34 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.173
Increase version number for release candidate.
2004-04-25 14:43:48 by rcaputo; samples/README.samples 1.2
Remove the dead files.
2004-04-20 00:52:13 by sungo; mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.21
find the tests in a different (less shell dependent) way so that
tools like testreport work as expected
2004-04-20 00:15:55 by sungo; lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.50;
lib/POE/Wheel/ListenAccept.pm 1.29; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm 1.68;
lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.75
(!!) complete XyzState to XyzEvent transition. This removes all
errors and warnings caused by use of the old State parameters in
Wheels. all tests pass in 5.004_005, 5.005_004, 5.6.2, and 5.8.3
2004-04-19 23:29:40 by sungo; t/01_sessions.t 1.30
mod the test suite so tests pass despite evil nasty garbage
collection bug in perls older than 5.6. the workarounds are commented
with nice blocks explaining the problem. the only real solution is to
get a perl without the bug. sorry folks. there's only so much i can
2004-04-18 22:31:22 by sungo; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.99
merge in lotr's try_alloc patch. closes rt #6045
2004-04-18 19:21:34 by sungo; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.9
yet more "older perls" support fixes. only run the tests that require
qr// on perls that support qr//. tested on 5.004 and 5.8.3
2004-04-18 18:56:30 by sungo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.283; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.98; t/01_sessions.t 1.29
unfortunately there are really two patches in here. first, remove the
"no warnings" calls that were breaking poe on perls older than 5.6.
replace them with $^W invocations as suggested by perllexwarn.
second, fix the TRACE_FILE magic that was causing older perls to lose
their mind. the comments here explain this in detail so i wont bother
explaining it here. its kind of magic but works well. i have tested
all this on 5.004 and 5.8.3 and all is well there (at least in
relation to this patch - theres more to come in 5.004 land)
2004-04-17 17:20:36 by sungo; lib/POE.pm 1.172; lib/POE/Loop.pm 1.4
fix some pod issues that pod2man was complaining about
2004-04-17 17:11:14 by sungo; Build.PL 1.10; lib/POE/API/Ctl.pm 1.2;
lib/POE/Resource/Controls.pm 1.2; mylib/cpan-test.perl 1.4;
mylib/cvs-log.perl 1.6; mylib/events_per_second.pl 1.2;
mylib/reportupload.pl 1.4; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.8
remove 'use warnings' everywhere to keep stuff from breaking on older
2004-04-17 16:58:42 by sungo; lib/POE.pm 1.171
update my email address
2004-04-17 14:17:53 by sungo; MANIFEST 1.99; lib/POE/API/Ctl.pm 1.1;
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.282; lib/POE/Resource/Controls.pm 1.1;
lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.8; t/api/ctl.t 1.1; t/res/controls.t 1.1
add in the new POE::Resource::Controls and POE::API::Ctl modules. yay
2004-04-17 03:27:25 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.7
The redo statement is excessively clever. Commented it a little, per
sungo's suggestion.
2004-04-09 01:45:41 by sungo; Build.PL 1.9
2004-04-09 01:40:48 by sungo; Build.PL 1.6
cia cvs stats test
2004-03-13 03:07:52 by sungo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.281
expose kr_active_event
2004-03-13 01:55:39 by sungo; lib/POE.pm 1.170
up poe version for development
2004-03-13 01:54:29 by sungo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.280
add kr_run_warning into the kernel so it is usable outside of
Kernel.pm. all tests pass.
2004-02-17 18:27:48 by rcaputo
MANIFEST 1.98; samples/README.samples 1.1
Removed several of the sample programs. These are ones with
equivalents on POE's cookbook page.
2004-02-14 03:45:51 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.279
Philip Gwyn pointed out that the signal() documentation doesn't match
the full feature set of the method itself. You can send extra
parameters along with a fake signal, and now the docs reflect that.
2004-02-12 07:30:11 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.278
Applied Scott's patch to speed up call(), which in turn makes wheels
run something like 20% faster. It's not his ideal patch, but it's a
good compromise. We're still hashing out details on the mailing list
of his other patch. I think we're done except for the new function's
2004-02-12 03:51:22 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.41;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.45
Jay Strauss pointed out that we're using InputLiteral instead of
Literal in the I/O filter examples in the docs here. Fix that.
2004-02-02 22:37:47 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.40
Apply Corwin's doc patch exposing the "connect" event to the public.
2004-02-02 17:32:12 v0_2802
2004-02-02 17:32:12 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.169
Bump the version to 0.2802. This will be a CPAN-released update for
the ill-fated 0.28. I figure, why burn a hundredth version for a
fixup, especially since we're not entirely sure it's gold?
2004-02-02 17:24:51 by rcaputo
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.20; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.38
The generated META.yml must be touched early in Makefile.PL, or the
MANIFEST checker will have a conniption. A cow. A canary. All manner
of things which are not a Makefile will spring forth from MakeMaker's
loins without META.yml existing.
2004-02-02 17:03:20 by rcaputo
Build.PL 1.5; mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.19; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.37
Make Build.PL and Makefile.PL play nicely together. The distribution
build process still goes through Makefile.PL until I can figure out
how to tweak the dist targets in Module::Build.
2004-01-31 07:07:33 by rcaputo; Build.PL 1.4
Work around "Too early to specify a build action 'Build'. Do 'Build
Build' instead." per
2004-01-31 06:58:31 by rcaputo; Build.PL 1.3; MANIFEST 1.97;
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.18; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.36;
mylib/cpan-test.perl 1.3; samples/create.perl 1.7;
samples/fakelogin.perl 1.9; samples/forkbomb.perl 1.14;
samples/names.perl 1.9; samples/objmaps.perl 1.5;
samples/objsessions.perl 1.11; samples/packagesessions.perl 1.8;
samples/queue.perl 1.2; samples/selects.perl 1.13;
samples/sessions.perl 1.20; samples/signals.perl 1.14;
samples/tcp_watermarks.perl 1.3; samples/thrash.perl 1.13;
samples/tk.perl 1.9; samples/watermarks.perl 1.5;
samples/wheels.perl 1.9; samples/wheels2.perl 1.6; t/001_queue.t 1.7;
t/00_coverage.t 1.21; t/01_sessions.t 1.28; t/02_alarms.t 1.17;
t/03_aliases.t 1.16; t/04_selects.t 1.21; t/05_macros.t 1.10;
t/06_tk.t 1.47; t/07_event.t 1.20; t/08_errors.t 1.53;
t/09_wheels_unix.t 1.18; t/10_wheels_tcp.t 1.17;
t/11_signals_poe.t 1.28; t/12_signals_ev.t 1.21; t/13_wheels_udp.t 1.8;
t/14_wheels_ft.t 1.16; t/15_filter_block.t 1.10;
t/16_filter_stream.t 1.7; t/17_filter_ref.t 1.10;
t/18_filter_line.t 1.11; t/19_filterchange.t 1.15; t/20_accept.t 1.9;
t/21_gtk.t 1.22; t/22_wheel_run.t 1.35; t/23_nfa.t 1.10;
t/24_filter_stack.t 1.7; t/25_detach.t 1.8; t/26_comp_tcp.t 1.7;
t/27_poll.t 1.10; t/28_windows.t 1.9; t/29_sockfact6.t 1.13;
t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.7; t/regress/neyuki-detach.t 1.2;
t/res/aliases.t 1.9; t/res/events.t 1.6; t/res/extrefs.t 1.10;
t/res/filehandles.t 1.8; t/res/sessions.t 1.6; t/res/sids.t 1.5;
t/res/signals.t 1.5
Clean up paths to point to the new lib/ directory.
2004-01-31 06:26:55 by rcaputo; mylib/ExtUtils/AutoInstall.pm 1.5
Update to version 0.56.
2004-01-28 23:24:43 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.96; Makefile.PL 1.27;
NEEDS 1.9; mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.17; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.35;
mylib/coverage.perl 1.9; mylib/reportupload.pl 1.3;
mylib/testreport.pl 1.12; t/001_queue.t 1.6; t/00_coverage.t 1.20;
t/01_sessions.t 1.27; t/02_alarms.t 1.16; t/03_aliases.t 1.15;
t/04_selects.t 1.20; t/05_macros.t 1.9; t/06_tk.t 1.46;
t/07_event.t 1.19; t/08_errors.t 1.52; t/09_wheels_unix.t 1.17;
t/10_wheels_tcp.t 1.16; t/11_signals_poe.t 1.27;
t/12_signals_ev.t 1.20; t/13_wheels_udp.t 1.7; t/14_wheels_ft.t 1.15;
t/15_filter_block.t 1.9; t/16_filter_stream.t 1.6;
t/17_filter_ref.t 1.9; t/18_filter_line.t 1.10;
t/19_filterchange.t 1.14; t/20_accept.t 1.8; t/21_gtk.t 1.21;
t/22_wheel_run.t 1.34; t/23_nfa.t 1.9; t/24_filter_stack.t 1.6;
t/25_detach.t 1.7; t/26_comp_tcp.t 1.6; t/27_poll.t 1.9;
t/28_windows.t 1.8; t/29_sockfact6.t 1.12; t/res/aliases.t 1.8;
t/res/events.t 1.5; t/res/extrefs.t 1.9; t/res/filehandles.t 1.7;
t/res/sessions.t 1.5; t/res/sids.t 1.4; t/res/signals.t 1.4
Hopefully this patch fixes all the paths to point to mylib instead of
lib. Developers and just plain folk who have CVS trees will need to
remove their lib directories and "cvs update -dP ." to reflect the
new mylib directory. There will be more files moved around shortly.
2004-01-28 23:19:13 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.49; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.58
The 5.004-and-earlier dependency checker picks up spurious uses of
the phrase "use Foo" and treats them like module inclusions. We've
subtly tweaked the language in some warnings so they avoid the magic
2004-01-28 22:46:23 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.168
Bump version to 0.2801 for cvs development between CPAN releases.
2004-01-27 20:15:21 v0_28
2004-01-27 20:15:21 by rcaputo; MANIFEST.SKIP 1.7
Add more development artifacts.
2004-01-27 20:09:27 by rcaputo
Build.PL 1.2; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.34
The last commit DID modify META.yml. The new MakeMaker generates a
Makefile clause that creates META.yml during "make dist". That
clobbers the more complete Build.PL version we've been using. This
commit patches lib/Build.PL to find POE.pm in its current location.
It also patches Makfile-5005.pm so that "make dist" does not generate
a META.yml. Finally it commits a working META.yml.
In the future, META.yml should come out of cvs, and "make dist"
should generate a proper one.
2004-01-27 19:18:16 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.167
Bump POE.pm up to 0.28. META.yml doesn't change, but cvs still
includes it here. Silly cvs.
2004-01-26 00:20:06 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.35
add docs to warn about possible brokenness with libwww
2004-01-25 06:39:53 by sungo; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.6
add tests for large multipart form data posts
2004-01-25 06:19:26 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.34
remove spurious warn
2004-01-25 06:14:34 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.33
add a better error condition in the case of a POST request in a 0.9
2004-01-25 05:50:44 by sungo; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.5
rip out the hack workaround. specify the protocol using the
http::request method
2004-01-25 02:51:07 by sungo; MANIFEST 1.95
2004-01-25 02:49:14 by sungo; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.4
remove skip block around no longer skipped tests. remove a warning
2004-01-25 01:54:58 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm 1.67
Apocalypse found a bug in the documentation for put(). This is such a
major thing, I'm shocked nobody reported it sooner.
2004-01-23 06:08:32 by sungo; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.3
turn on the simple post tests after working around the
HTTP::Request::Common bug that was causing them to fail
2004-01-23 05:39:14 by sungo; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.2
add HEAD tests. add PUT and POST tests which are currently skipped
due to known bugs
2004-01-23 05:32:40 by sungo; MANIFEST 1.94
add the new test to the manifest
2004-01-23 05:06:34 by sungo; NEEDS 1.8
keep NEEDS parser from looking into the bundled AUtoInstall.pm for
strange non-needed needs
2004-01-22 06:02:11 by sungo; mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.16;
mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.33; t/30_filter_httpd.t 1.1
(!!) Add core prerequisite of Test::More. Add the beginnings of tests
of Filter::HTTPD
2004-01-22 04:21:07 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.32
add error messages to every build_error call
2004-01-21 23:01:08 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Filter/Block.pm 1.14; t/15_filter_block.t 1.8
Optimize the semantics of Filter::Block's custom length codecs---no
more data copying, at least. Document the encoder/decoder
2004-01-21 19:53:01 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Filter/Block.pm 1.13; t/15_filter_block.t 1.7
Implement Alexander Zangerl's suggestion that Filter::Block have
pluggable prepended length codecs. He's writing a C program to
interface with a POE server, and he doesn't like the C string
terminator (NUL, chr(0)) in the records. This closes rt.cpan.org
ticket 3812.
2004-01-21 17:27:01 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.93; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.277;
lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.37; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.44;
lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.30; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.56;
lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.6; lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.10;
lib/POE/Resource/Statistics.pm 1.1; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.6
Renamed POE::Resource::Performance to POE::Resource::Statistics. The
new form follows the POE::Resource::{plural thingy here} naming
convention, and it opens the door for gathering statistics that may
have nothing to do with performance. TRACE_PERFORMANCE has also been
2004-01-21 06:48:25 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.57
Apply Gerald Richter's fix to his earlier patch. This corrects
Winsize behavior when STDIN isn't a TTY.
2004-01-21 06:27:46 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.31
style nit pick. replace some random hard \t indents with the majority
2 space indents
2004-01-21 05:28:15 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Resource/SIDs.pm 1.9; lib/POE/Resource/Signals.pm 1.10
Minor style changes as a result of adding (then removing) a first
stab at mark-and-sweep garbage collection for sessions. Turns out
it's not needed just yet.
2004-01-19 22:11:52 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.166
I accidentally rewrote the documentation for this module.
2004-01-19 21:41:40 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.31
Hardcode some keystroke character sequences for a few common
terminals, including the various DEC VT sequences. This should fix
the input editing and history for most people.
2004-01-16 16:58:37 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.9; t/res/filehandles.t 1.6
Commit Nick Williams' patches to add documentation and fix some of
the numbers. I also moved the "blocked" checking into
POE/Resource/Events so we can also calculate the average blocked
2004-01-16 16:44:27 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.276
Document run_one_timeslice().
2004-01-16 03:46:03 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.92; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.275;
lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.36; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.43;
lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.29; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.55;
lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.5; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.5;
t/res/aliases.t 1.7; t/res/events.t 1.4; t/res/extrefs.t 1.8;
t/res/filehandles.t 1.5
Apply Nick Williams' POE::Resource::Performance class and the
TRACE_PERFORMANCE hooks to enable runtime wallclock statistics. This
may be extended to include CPU time inside POE::Kernel, within POE
sessions, etc. It's still raw and experimental code; it does not
fairly compare performance between different event loops yet. The
various statistics have not been adequately defined, so we cannot
verify their accuracy. The profiling code itself contributes to POE's
overhead and may skew results against POE. Your mileage may vary.
Small parts may present a choking hazard. Use only as directed.
2004-01-15 22:34:04 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.28
Second attempt to define POLLRDBAND if it wasn't already.
2004-01-15 22:18:44 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.44; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.274
Meaningless style tweaks.
2004-01-15 22:17:46 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.27
Define POLLRDBAND if it's not available. This occurs on MacOSX quite
2004-01-09 23:11:17 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.273
Apply Graham Barr's patch to REALLY disable SIGCHLD polling when
running as an Apache handler.
2004-01-05 22:37:36 by rcaputo
lib/POE/NFA.pm 1.28; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.97
Wrap postbacks in unblessed, anonymous subs under Tk. Tk blesses its
callbacks, which conflicts with our blessed postbacks. This works
around the problem.
2004-01-05 22:36:46 by rcaputo; t/08_errors.t 1.51
Quiet some spurious warnings generated by testing the errors that
occur when loading mulitple event loops.
2004-01-04 06:14:06 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.30
Matt Cashner pointed out that ^D on an empty line should throw an
exception. This commit adds the "eot" exception to do just that.
2003-12-20 19:40:02 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.272
While discussing libevent, I realized that a POE::XS::Loop::Libevent
would not have a trigger module. There would be no IO::Poll-like
module that causes POE::Kernel to autoload it. So this patch tweaks
the loop autoloader to honor explicitly loaded event loops and not
try to load the default select loop.
2003-12-18 15:37:00 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.96
Applied Alex Avriette's documentation patch. This mentions the return
values from new() and create().
2003-12-18 04:29:05 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.56
Applied Gerald Richter's patch to allow setting the child process'
window size if it's run in a pty.
2003-12-16 04:58:46 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.271
Improve error detection in the POE::XS::Loop loader. Add autoloading
for POE::XS::Loop::Select.
2003-12-16 04:56:49 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.54
Reorder the timeout calculation to reduce latency in select().
2003-12-16 04:55:42 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.4
Support auto-loading POE::XS::Resource::Foo if it's available. Fall
back to POE::Resource::Foo if the XS version isn't available or
cannot load.
2003-12-13 05:37:29 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.270;
lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.14; t/06_tk.t 1.45
Event loops. Look for POE::XS::Loop::$something before
POE::Loop::$something. It should be possible to include arbitrary
event loops now (Gtk2, for example). Likewise, now people can start
writing XS versions of event loops.
2003-12-12 04:05:06 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.269;
lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.35; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.42;
lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.26; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.53;
lib/POE/Loop/Tk.pm 1.43; lib/POE/Loop/TkActiveState.pm 1.7;
lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.4
Remove the hardcoding for POE::Loop classes. Now POE::Kernel will
walk %INC and compare each module against the files in ./Loop (where
"." is wherever POE::Kernel is, according to __FILE__).
2003-12-11 18:06:21 by rcaputo; mylib/cvs-log.perl 1.5
Add a (commented out) option to go back farther in time. What's
really needed here is some sort of command-line flag.
2003-12-04 23:15:19 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.95
Applied a POD typo correction from Alex.
2003-11-28 17:12:08 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.268; t/01_sessions.t 1.26
Applied Scott Beck's patch to add a hard POE::Kernel stop.
2003-11-26 03:52:07 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.39;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.43; lib/POE/Driver/SysRW.pm 1.26;
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.267; lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.25;
lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.52; lib/POE/Pipe.pm 1.12;
lib/POE/Queue/Array.pm 1.5; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.94;
lib/POE/Wheel/ListenAccept.pm 1.28; lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.74
Replace POSIX errno constants with ones from Errno. The Errno module
has better errno support than POSIX in "special" environments like
ActivePerl. This commit addresses rt.cpan.org ticket #4476.
2003-11-22 17:45:10 by sungo; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.41
change init_check to simply not initialize gtk a second+ time. not
sure why init() is passing the second time but init_check() doesnt
but whatever.
2003-11-22 16:13:07 by rcaputo
lib/POE/NFA.pm 1.27; lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.13
Move the parent GC tests out of _data_ses_free and into
_data_ses_stop. Currently the former is only called by the latter
(and by POE::NFA, which seems to be erroneous anyway since no _parent
and _child events happen there).
2003-11-22 15:32:06 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.40
Allow POE::Kernel->run() to be called multiple times in Gtk programs.
Previously, Gtk->check_init() would return failure when called a
second time, causing a couple of the tests to fail. This commit fixes
rt.cpan.org ticket number 4459.
2003-11-22 05:05:10 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Extrefs.pm 1.9
Deferring deletion of %kr_extra_refs items caused inconsistencies in
the results from _data_extref_count(). I noticed it when
Client::HTTP's tests stopped exiting on their own. Tracked it back to
Client::DNS, reproduced it there, and used its test suite to verify
the error back home in POE::Resource::Extrefs. Whee!
Oh, right. This commit backs out that prior "optimization".
2003-11-22 04:55:27 by sungo; t/21_gtk.t 1.20
remove spurious warn i stupidly left in
2003-11-22 04:54:31 by sungo; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.39; t/21_gtk.t 1.19
add gtk initialization error checking. fix gtk test suite to skip the
whole suite if gtk initialization fails.
2003-11-21 05:08:26 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.165;
lib/POE/API/ResLoader.pm 1.3; lib/POE/Component.pm 1.6;
lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.38;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.42; lib/POE/Driver.pm 1.15;
lib/POE/Driver/SysRW.pm 1.25; lib/POE/Filter.pm 1.13;
lib/POE/Filter/Block.pm 1.12; lib/POE/Filter/Grep.pm 1.5;
lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.30; lib/POE/Filter/Line.pm 1.24;
lib/POE/Filter/Map.pm 1.5; lib/POE/Filter/RecordBlock.pm 1.4;
lib/POE/Filter/Reference.pm 1.28; lib/POE/Filter/Stackable.pm 1.5;
lib/POE/Filter/Stream.pm 1.12; lib/POE/Loop.pm 1.3;
lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.34; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.38;
lib/POE/Loop/PerlSignals.pm 1.4; lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.24;
lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.51; lib/POE/Loop/Tk.pm 1.42;
lib/POE/Loop/TkActiveState.pm 1.6; lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.3;
lib/POE/Macro/UseBytes.pm 1.3; lib/POE/NFA.pm 1.26;
lib/POE/Pipe.pm 1.11; lib/POE/Pipe/OneWay.pm 1.13;
lib/POE/Pipe/TwoWay.pm 1.16; lib/POE/Preprocessor.pm 1.31;
lib/POE/Queue.pm 1.3; lib/POE/Queue/Array.pm 1.4;
lib/POE/Resource.pm 1.3; lib/POE/Resource/Aliases.pm 1.10;
lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.8; lib/POE/Resource/Extrefs.pm 1.8;
lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.9; lib/POE/Resource/SIDs.pm 1.8;
lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.12; lib/POE/Resource/Signals.pm 1.9;
lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.3; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.93;
lib/POE/Wheel.pm 1.18; lib/POE/Wheel/Curses.pm 1.11;
lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.48; lib/POE/Wheel/ListenAccept.pm 1.27;
lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.29; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm 1.66;
lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.55; lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.73
Ok. So I'm braindead from staring into SOAP modules all day. I
figured I'd do this one no-brainer just to say I accomplished
something today. I replaced all the $VERSION strings with Dilithium
Crystals. Let's see who notices. Bonus: No more retrograde releases,
at least not after one last CPAN cataclysm.
2003-11-21 05:01:27 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.266
Exploratory commit of the new $VERSION code.
2003-11-20 19:21:57 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.265; lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.11
Reimplement _stop, mostly by moving the side effects out of
_dispatch_event and into _data_ses_stop. This further shrinks
_dispatch_event (some of POE's hottest code) and factors out more of
the recursion and side effects that made it so difficult to work
2003-11-20 17:13:41 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.264
Nick Williams at Morgan Stanley reported that the new "Please mail
the following information to...." message shows up even when _trap()
is caught from within eval{}. This commit closes his rt.cpan.org
ticket, number 4436.
2003-11-19 21:28:54 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm 1.65; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.54
Add shutdown_stdin() to POE::Wheel::Run. Refactor some code in
POE::Wheel::ReadWrite. I have no idea why teh other files are being
pulled into this commit; they have no changes listed in "cvs diff".
2003-11-13 18:28:47 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Aliases.pm 1.9;
lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.7; lib/POE/Resource/Extrefs.pm 1.7;
lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.8; t/res/extrefs.t 1.7
Move some delete() calls to the finalize stage of resource cleanup.
Many of the session-keyed structures can linger until the session is
destroyed. This saves tests in hotter code, which should show up as a
minor performance boost. Hopefully no leaks are created here.
2003-11-13 17:08:00 by rcaputo
MANIFEST 1.91; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.263; t/regress/neyuki-detach.t 1.1
Neyuki discovered that detach_myself() was not working from _start,
nor was it working at all. This commit fixes the latter problem, but
detach_myself() from _start is not completely fixed. Turned the test
case into a regression test, and started t/regress for these things.
2003-11-13 03:11:49 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.10
Add explanations to some of the _trap() calls, and comment on why we
don't do garbage collection at what might otherwise be considered a
good place for it.
2003-11-10 23:20:55 by rcaputo
lib/POE/NFA.pm 1.25; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.92; t/01_sessions.t 1.25
Applied Dan McCormicks's callback() patch.
2003-11-06 20:37:16 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.41
Applied a patch from Eric (l2kashe) that lets you specify different
input and output filters for client sessions at the outset. To be
sure, you may still set different filters on $heap->{client}
directly, but this avoids the extra step.
Applied Damir Dzeko's patch to support UNIX sockets, but this is
neither a documented nor permanent patch. A better solution will
probably be to abstract most of Server::TCP into a base class and
derive Server::TCP and Server::UNIX from it.
2003-11-06 20:34:07 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.37
Re-establish aliases on reconnect. Nick Williams discovered that
disconnect would clear aliases but reconnect wouldn't restore them.
2003-11-04 04:48:33 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.262; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.91
Document TRACE_DESTROY, and modify it to use POE::Kernel::_warn() so
it can be redirected somewhere other than STDERR.
2003-11-04 04:43:20 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.90
Make TRACE_DESTROY more useful.
2003-11-04 02:18:42 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.72
"rmah" and "czth" reported that Solaris and some BSD variants define
a SOMAXCONN that is much smaller than what they can really handle.
Using SOMAXCONN as a hint and clipping the listen queue to it will
hinder application scalability in some cases. I seem to recall it
being put there because setting the listen queue too high breaks some
systems. So it's commented out for now; we'll see who notices.
2003-11-02 05:10:29 by rcaputo
lib/POE.pm 1.164; lib/POE/NFA.pm 1.24; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.89
Propagate the POE::Kernel TRACE and ASSERT constants into any other
package that is interested in them. This passes environment variables
down into other packages.
2003-11-02 04:51:48 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.261; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.88
Generalize POE's environment variable handling so you can specify
arbitrary POE_foo. These override the constants previously defined.
It's now possible to define asserts and traces not currently
supported by POE::Kernel. More importantly, it means you can set
POE_ASSERT_STATES for POE::Session (and possibly new things yet
undetermined). Thanks to Nick Williams pointed out that
POE_ASSERT_STATES wasn't supported.
2003-10-29 23:50:58 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.36;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.40
Various Disconnect callbacks weren't actually called when a remote
end disconnected while the local end had output for it. This was a
side effect of {Client,Server}::TCP's helpful flush-before-disconect
code. Unfortunately, the components didn't account for the fact that
the remote end might not be there. "Apocalypse" discovered this
condition during load testing and was nice enough to track it down.
The other two files have whitespace changes. Darn CVS for wanting to
commit them, but what can y'do?
2003-10-29 21:36:06 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.163
Increase version to 0.2701, to indicate we're in between-release CVS
2003-10-20 05:13:52 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.53
Add another no-END/no-DESTROY method for terminating a child process.
2003-10-20 05:13:21 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.6
Note a logic error in the cleanup code. The error isn't damaging, but
it does incur more overhead than necessary during session
2003-10-16 15:54:06 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.52
Bline pointed out that kill(0) sent SIGTERM. Added a defined() to
support kill(0), and documented the default.
2003-10-08 15:27:00 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.37
There are no Gnome equivalents for Gtk->main() and Gtk->main_quit(),
so remove them.
2003-09-27 05:37:28 v0_27
2003-09-27 05:37:28 by rcaputo; README 1.105; lib/POE.pm 1.162
Prepare for 0.27 release.
2003-09-16 19:49:43 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.28
Supply a B38400 symbol if the local version of POSIX.pm won't.
2003-09-16 14:58:48 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.23
Replace _confess with _trap to increase some error severities.
2003-09-16 14:58:14 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.50; lib/POE/Loop/TkActiveState.pm 1.5
Replace _confess calls with _trap calls to increase the severity of
some errors.
2003-09-16 14:53:40 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.260;
lib/POE/Resource/Aliases.pm 1.8; lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.5;
lib/POE/Resource/Extrefs.pm 1.6; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.7;
lib/POE/Resource/SIDs.pm 1.7; lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.9
Add POE::Kernel::_trap for errors internal to POE's core. This is a
"kernel trap" level of error reporting. Replace many of the _confess
calls with _trap calls throughout POE's core modules. Wrap many of
the internal consistency checks in ASSERT_DATA blocks so they are
only executed during testing.
2003-09-16 14:51:18 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.2
Rethrow any errors caught in POE::Resource modules.
2003-09-16 14:50:12 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.35;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.39; lib/POE/Driver/SysRW.pm 1.24
Increase default block sizes to 65536. This improves performance in
high-throughput applications at the expense of some memory.
2003-09-16 14:48:26 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm 1.64
Properly set the high watermark state when put() exceeds it. Also
avoid redundant calls to select_write().
2003-09-15 20:26:52 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.29
Include the tilde (~) as part of the legal character class for HTTP
header names, per RFC 2616. Thanks to Fabrice Dulaunoy for
discovering this and especially for suggesting how to fix it.
2003-09-15 04:51:37 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.259
Add a stub for Gtk2 support. Need a way that eliminates POE::Kernel
hacking for each event loop we want to support.
2003-09-10 23:30:40 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.51
Andrew Chen pointed out that the -9 signal doesn't work. Corrected it
to 9 in the docs.
2003-08-31 02:43:10 by sungo; Build.PL 1.1; MANIFEST 1.90
add META.yml to make activestate automated ppd building happy again.
add Build.PL i used to make the meta file
2003-08-31 02:07:50 by rcaputo; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.32
Avoid ExtUtil::AutoInstall prompts if STDIN isn't a terminal. Bypass
the prompts by assuming --default behavior.
2003-08-27 01:52:24 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.50
Dorian suggested moving the setgid code before the setuid code, so
that changing from root -> not-root won't disallow changing the group
ID. It made sense, thus this patch.
2003-08-27 01:50:48 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.27
Reformatted a line to be less than 80 columns.
2003-08-10 19:48:18 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.47
Move the size-saving code so that it always moves the current size to
the last one. This should detect file shrinkage better.
2003-08-10 19:14:45 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.46
Perform a proper fix for the file size shrinkage. Rather than reopen
the file unconditionally, seek back to the start of it.
2003-08-10 18:59:55 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.45
Azhrarn discovered that Linux only reports file shrinkage (nothing
else) when a file is reset by `cat > file` and pressing ^D. This
patch treats only file shrinkage as reset.
2003-08-07 20:20:44 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.49
Minor syntax cleanups as a result of trying (and failing) to
determine the magnitude of arbitrary system clock shifts.
2003-07-29 00:25:28 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.34;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.38
Silence the "connection reset by peer" errors, which indicate that a
client has unceremoniously disconnected. To reiterate: These errors
only occur in the default ClientError callback. Custom callbacks
still receive notification of the errors and can handle them any way
they see fit.
2003-07-28 05:14:14 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.258;
lib/POE/Queue.pm 1.2; lib/POE/Queue/Array.pm 1.3; t/001_queue.t 1.5
After many requests, I have finally added delay_adjust(). This resets
a specific timer (as set with delay_set) to be a new number of
seconds into the future. This is good for watchdogs and timeouts.
2003-07-27 18:29:54 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.33;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.37
Carl suggested that the TCP client and server not report "error 0"
(normall disconnection) by default. He's the last in a long line of
people to do so. "When three people tell you you're sick, lie down."
The error message is removed in this patch.
2003-07-18 22:47:44 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.49
jdeluise suggested that we document how to scrub a child process'
shell environment before executing external programs. This patch adds
that information.
2003-07-17 19:25:51 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.48
Apply Leif Gustafson's patch to pass conduit types on to
2003-07-17 18:25:03 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Pipe/OneWay.pm 1.12; lib/POE/Pipe/TwoWay.pm 1.15
Fixed a subtle bug in the new pipe selection code.
2003-07-16 17:00:25 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Pipe.pm 1.10;
lib/POE/Pipe/OneWay.pm 1.11; lib/POE/Pipe/TwoWay.pm 1.14
Leif Gustafson discovered a nasty little bug in POE::Pipe::TwoWay
that was triggered by the recent changes to POE::Wheel::Run... but
only on cygwin! What a nasty confluence of circumstance. Thank you,
Leif. This patch should help that a lot, and it finally cleans up the
really messy RUNNING_IN_HELL stuff in the pipe classes.
2003-07-16 06:34:46 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.161
Applied Rich Morin's documentation edits.
2003-07-15 14:58:21 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.257; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.36
Merge in Bruno Boettcher's Gnome.pm as part of Gtk.pm since they're
very closely related and with a few exceptions identical.
2003-07-14 14:41:03 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Pipe/TwoWay.pm 1.13; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.47
jdeluise discovered a longstanding bug in cygwin's socketpair and/or
exec implemenation. This caused POE::Wheel::Run tests to fail on that
platform. This patch causes the wheel to use pipe, which works,
2003-07-13 16:39:40 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.44; t/14_wheels_ft.t 1.14
Applied a modified version of jrieks' Seek patch. This lets you seek
forwards from the start of a file. Negative Seek does the same as
SeekBack, and negative SeekBack does the same as Seek. It's not
tested, though: TODO add seek/seekback tests to t/14_wheels_ft.t
2003-07-13 04:24:33 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.22; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.48
Remove the dependency on $^T and the assumption that it will never
change. This is only an issue during tracing.
2003-07-11 15:39:47 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.35
Bruno Boettcher discovered the Gtk event loop didn't work with the
Gnome abstraction. A quick change fixed that.
2003-07-10 20:17:31 by rcaputo
t/02_alarms.t 1.15; t/08_errors.t 1.50; t/res/filehandles.t 1.4
The tests had some timing issues that only show up on the 486. This
commit makes the tests less timing-sensitive.
2003-07-10 04:55:11 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.256
Correct localized STDERR for Perl 5.8.0.
2003-07-10 04:14:58 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.255
Nick discovered that sessions sometimes aren't garbage collected when
using call() to invoke their states, and he provided a tidy test case
to prove it. Thank you, Nick! Once I understood the problem, it was
easy enough to track it down and solve. Called sessions are GC'd now
if they aren't the same as the calling sessions. Callers will get GC
tested if they are the same (because they've been posted to some time
up the chain).
2003-07-09 18:20:41 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.254;
lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.33; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.34;
lib/POE/Loop/PerlSignals.pm 1.3; lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.21;
lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.47; lib/POE/Loop/TkActiveState.pm 1.4;
lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.2; lib/POE/NFA.pm 1.23;
lib/POE/Resource/Aliases.pm 1.7; lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.4;
lib/POE/Resource/Extrefs.pm 1.5; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.6;
lib/POE/Resource/SIDs.pm 1.6; lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.8;
lib/POE/Resource/Signals.pm 1.8; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.87;
t/001_queue.t 1.4; t/00_coverage.t 1.19; t/01_sessions.t 1.24;
t/02_alarms.t 1.14; t/03_aliases.t 1.14; t/04_selects.t 1.19;
t/05_macros.t 1.8; t/06_tk.t 1.44; t/07_event.t 1.18;
t/08_errors.t 1.49; t/09_wheels_unix.t 1.16; t/10_wheels_tcp.t 1.15;
t/11_signals_poe.t 1.26; t/12_signals_ev.t 1.19; t/13_wheels_udp.t 1.6;
t/14_wheels_ft.t 1.13; t/15_filter_block.t 1.6;
t/16_filter_stream.t 1.5; t/17_filter_ref.t 1.8;
t/18_filter_line.t 1.9; t/19_filterchange.t 1.13; t/20_accept.t 1.7;
t/21_gtk.t 1.18; t/22_wheel_run.t 1.33; t/23_nfa.t 1.8;
t/24_filter_stack.t 1.5; t/25_detach.t 1.6; t/26_comp_tcp.t 1.5;
t/27_poll.t 1.8; t/28_windows.t 1.7; t/29_sockfact6.t 1.11;
t/res/aliases.t 1.6; t/res/events.t 1.3; t/res/extrefs.t 1.6;
t/res/filehandles.t 1.3; t/res/sessions.t 1.4; t/res/sids.t 1.3;
t/res/signals.t 1.3
Allow internal traces to be shunted to a file without using STDERR.
This lets applications' (and tests') errors shine through while
logging POE's internal traces somewhere else. To be sure, the default
behavior of dumping everything to STDERR still exists.
2003-07-09 04:25:09 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm 1.63
Avi Finkel noticed a lack of a POE::Wheel::Write, or a write-only
wheel. He's writing files over NFS, so a non-blocking solution helps
in his case. I documented the little-known fact that ReadWrite
doesn't try to read if InputEvent isn't defined.
2003-07-08 13:36:59 by rcaputo; t/res/extrefs.t 1.5
Fix a test which was invalidated by the change in Resource::Extrefs.
2003-07-08 00:33:08 by rcaputo; t/06_tk.t 1.43
So apparently the reason ActiveState hasn't been building
distributions of POE is because of unreported errors in the install
process. The latest--and only--problem is a Tk test failure because
there's a DISPLAY environment variable pointing to an unreachable X
server. This patch skips Tk testing if the X server is unreachable,
so--fingers crossed--we should see proper PPDs built out of POE
starting with 0.27.
2003-07-06 18:46:07 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.253; lib/POE/Resource/Extrefs.pm 1.4
Bruno Boettcher discovered an obscure, yet hideously fatal bug in
POE's cross-checking code. The code in ASSERT_REFCNT that
cross-checks a calculated reference count against the stored ones
does not count references properly, causing a test failure. The test
itself was broken and is fixed now.
2003-07-05 21:04:56 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.3;
lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.7; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.86
Clean up some code structure. Nothing gets fixed.
2003-07-05 21:03:56 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.252
Fixed a documentation typo.
2003-07-03 16:34:57 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/Line.pm 1.23
Clear up some error messages while documenting them.
2003-07-03 16:26:50 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.251
Bruno Boettcher was banging his head on an ASSERT_USAGE message that
wasn't very helpful. It turns out to have been a bad parameter line
in _explain_usage(), which is fixed by this patch.
2003-06-26 15:33:10 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.33
"kaffee" reported warnings in loop_attach_uidestroy(). He suggested
returning 0 instead of undef from the UIDESTROY callback, which this
patch does.
2003-06-22 05:37:34 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/TkActiveState.pm 1.3
Remove a bare debugging warn.
2003-06-19 20:06:00 by rcaputo; mylib/ExtUtils/AutoInstall.pm 1.4
Assimilate the latest (0.52) version of ExtUtils::AutoInstall. This
should fix the "instaldeps" part of POE's installer.
2003-06-09 19:18:27 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.250;
lib/POE/Loop/TkActiveState.pm 1.2; t/08_errors.t 1.48
Debugged the initial ActiveState Tk support on a real live Windows
machine. This commit fixes lots of little things and gets the tests
working on Windows and UNIX.
2003-06-09 17:31:05 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Loop/TkActiveState.pm 1.1; lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.1
Of course we can't really begin to support ActivePerl+Tk without the
files themselves. So.
2003-06-09 17:28:22 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.89;
lib/POE/Loop/PerlSignals.pm 1.2; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.46;
lib/POE/Loop/Tk.pm 1.41; t/06_tk.t 1.42; t/08_errors.t 1.47
Support Tk under ActivePerl by polling for socket activity every 1/10
second. This is ugly. It's inefficient. And it's the only known way
to make things work at this time. Bleah.
2003-06-09 16:02:41 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.160
Aw, heck. I forgot to update this to a development version.
2003-06-09 15:37:47 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.88
Forgot to add the new file in my previous commit.
2003-06-09 15:36:27 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.249;
lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.32; lib/POE/Loop/PerlSignals.pm 1.1;
lib/POE/Loop/Poll.pm 1.20; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.45;
lib/POE/Loop/Tk.pm 1.40; t/08_errors.t 1.46
Moved the plain-Perl signal handling code into
POE::Loop::PerlSignals. This code was common to the Gtk, Poll,
Select, and Tk event loops.
2003-06-05 18:09:40 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.32;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.36
Matt Harrington pointed out that Client:: and Server::TCP did not
auto-use the filter classes they're given. I noticed that this aspect
of those components was not documented, so now it's rather clear that
you must "use" the classes yourself.
Beginning of Recorded History