2004-11-25 21:10:41 v0_3002
2004-11-25 21:10:41 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.183
Clean cup! Clean cup! Move down! Move down!
In this case, move up. Move the version up for another release.
2004-11-25 21:09:02 by rcaputo; mylib/testreport.pl 1.15
I broke the test report tool when I renamed the test directories.
Furthermore, the tool checked in Makefile, and the whole point of
renaming the directory was to get them OUT of Makefile. It should be
fixed now.
2004-11-25 20:11:19 v0_3001
2004-11-25 20:11:19 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.182
Module::Build seems to enable YAML support at install time. If you
don't have YAML then, then you don't get full META.yml files later
Bump the release to 0.3001. This distribution's built AFTER
reinstalling YAML then Module::Build at gunpoint.
2004-11-25 19:44:12 v0_30
2004-11-25 19:44:12 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.181
Bump the version to 0.30 for release.
2004-11-25 19:37:23 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/Reference.pm 1.32
POE::Filter::Reference wasn't loading Compress::Zlib due to require()
semantics changes somewhere between 5.6.1 and 5.7.4. Thanks to
acid06@gmail.com (whoever that is) for reporting the problem and
providing a suggested fix.
2004-11-25 16:56:22 by rcaputo; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.50
Combine the core requirements for ExtUtils::AutoInstall and MakeMaker
into one hash so they can be changed together at once.
2004-11-25 16:47:48 by rcaputo; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.49
Downgrade requirements because ActiveState's repository is behind the
2004-11-25 16:12:54 by rcaputo; mylib/ExtUtils/AutoInstall.pm 1.7
Upgrade to 0.61.
2004-11-25 07:04:24 by rcaputo
MANIFEST 1.110; mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.30
Remove the old dependency checker. It was reporting all kinds of
bogus things and needed to be put down.
2004-11-25 06:59:12 by rcaputo
tests/10_units/01_preprocessor/02_macro_usebytes.t 1.6
Put back some code that was removed in an overzealous change.
2004-11-24 23:20:46 by rcaputo
tests/10_units/01_preprocessor/02_macro_usebytes.t 1.5
Add an Id tag.
2004-11-24 22:25:25 by rcaputo
tests/30_loops/00_base/ses_session.pm 1.7
Skip the event loop restarting test if we're using Tk and a
non-threaded version of Perl 5.8 or later. Tk dumps core per
rt.cpan.org ticket 8588, and we can't be failing OUR tests because of
2004-11-24 22:23:07 by rcaputo
tests/10_units/01_preprocessor/02_macro_usebytes.t 1.4
The two-arg binmode() call wasn't needed. It was a vestige of
displaying Phi on the console, and that went away a long time ago.
2004-11-24 21:17:40 by rcaputo; mylib/gen-tests.perl 1.7
Disable the XS tests, seeing as we don't have any XS to test yet. I
don't need to answer a bunch of questions about them at this time.
2004-11-24 16:41:59 by rcaputo; mylib/gen-tests.perl 1.6
Cosmetic change to wrap a line at 80 columns.
2004-11-24 03:48:32 by rcaputo
tests/30_loops/00_base/ses_session.pm 1.6
Garbage collection behaves differently under 5.005_04.
2004-11-24 03:46:28 by rcaputo; tests/10_units/03_base/01_poe.t 1.6
Remove a vestige of debugging the issue where STDERR wouldn't come
back after being temporarily redirected.
2004-11-24 02:28:05 by rcaputo
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.29; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.48
Upgrade dependencies to versions that are known to pass tests.
2004-11-24 02:26:18 by rcaputo
tests/30_loops/00_base/ses_session.pm 1.5
The more versions of Perl we test on, the more new and interesting
(and virtually impossible to track down) garbage collection issues
arise. Klortho, take me now!
2004-11-24 02:23:57 by rcaputo
tests/20_resources/00_base/extrefs.pm 1.2
CROM COUNT THE TESTS! Uh... add a test count to the Test::More
2004-11-24 02:21:02 by rcaputo; tests/10_units/05_filters/03_http.t 1.4
Data::Dumper doesn't build on---to put it nicely---"legacy" versions
of Perl. Thank goodness this test didn't use it.
2004-11-24 02:18:56 by rcaputo; tests/10_units/03_base/01_poe.t 1.5;
tests/10_units/04_drivers/01_sysrw.t 1.4
Fix temporary STDERR redirection around tests for error and/or
warning conditions. Previously STDERR would go away and never come
back. Bad STDERR.
2004-11-24 02:17:03 by rcaputo
tests/10_units/01_preprocessor/02_macro_usebytes.t 1.3
Two-argument binmode() isn't supported in very very extremely old
versions of Perl. A warning results when someone tries to use it.
This change adds a note that the warning can be disabled by upgrading
2004-11-24 02:12:51 by rcaputo; mylib/gen-tests.perl 1.5
File::Spec::Functions isn't available in Perl 5.004_05. Downgrade to
plain File::Spec.
2004-11-24 02:10:40 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Queue/Array.pm 1.8
Use Carp explicitly rather than assume it's loaded by another module.
The stand-alone queue tests were failing because Carp wasn't loaded
anywhere else.
2004-11-24 02:09:19 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/IO_Poll.pm 1.32
IO::Poll went retrograde on CPAN. Back the required version down to
0.01, despite there being problems in older, pre-0.05 versions.
2004-11-24 02:07:50 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Driver/SysRW.pm 1.30
Perl 5.005_04 was not properly setting $! on important sysread()
errors. While debugging, I discovered a simple no-op that causes $!
to be set properly. This commit adds the work-around, and now the
SysRW driver tests pass.
2004-11-24 02:04:37 by rcaputo; Makefile.PL 1.33
5.005_04 exists, so the Makefile.PL deprecation warning has changed
to target versions before that.
2004-11-22 19:28:35 by rcaputo
tests/30_loops/00_base/ses_session.pm 1.4
Work around an intermittent failure in Tk when starting its main loop
twice in one program.
2004-11-22 18:05:19 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.109;
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.28; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.47;
mylib/gen-tests.perl 1.4; test.pl 1.2
SourceForge has moved t to tests. This commit should point everything
to the tests' new location.
2004-11-22 18:04:14 by rcaputo
tests/30_loops/00_base/all_errors.pm 1.2
Fix the skip message so Test::Harness can report the reason.
2004-11-22 00:24:06 by rcaputo; test.pl 1.1
Hurk burk! Why didn't I include this in the last commit?
2004-11-22 00:22:13 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.108;
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.27; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.46
After expanding and refactoring POE's test suite, the command line to
run all the tests has become too long for some shells. Sungo
suggested moving the Test::Harness invocation into test.pl, which
seems to work swimmingly, as this commit shall attest.
2004-11-22 00:13:53 by rcaputo;
tests/30_loops/00_base/k_signals.pm 1.3;
tests/30_loops/00_base/ses_session.pm 1.3;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_run.pm 1.2;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_sf_ipv6.pm 1.2;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_sf_unix.pm 1.2
So, recent versions of Tk trap exit() when it's called from BEGIN{}
or eval{}. It croaks rather than exiting, which makes it a little
harder for tests to bail out under Tk.
This commit uses CORE::exit() to bypass Tk's trap. It also prints the
skip messages manually since Test::More and POE's own TestSetup both
exit on their own when skipping entire test files.
2004-11-22 00:10:21 by rcaputo; mylib/gen-tests.perl 1.3
Fixed the DISPLAY checking code so that test templates expand
correctly on Windows.
2004-11-22 00:08:07 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.18;
tests/10_units/04_drivers/01_sysrw.t 1.3
In these enlightened times of ActivePerl 5.8.4, $handle->blocking()
seems not to do anything useful. This commit undoes the blocking()
calls that were introduced when ActivePerl 5.8.0 broke the original
ioctl() calls and actually seemed to honor blocking(). ActivePerl,
she is such a fickle mistress.
2004-11-17 05:28:13 by rcaputo
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.26; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.45
Use fileglobs to shorten the list of test files passed to MakeMaker.
Unfortunately, this does not fix the problem that the Test::Harness
command line is too long for CMD.EXE (and possibly other limited
2004-11-16 21:13:09 by rcaputo; Makefile.PL 1.32
Resolve rt.cpan.org ticket 6319 by asking people to "make
reportupload" at the end of Makefile.PL. It may be better to ask at
the end of "make test" but I'm not in the mood to hack Makefile
through Makefile.PL right now.
2004-11-16 19:21:02 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.49
Applied the patch in rt.cpan.org ticket 7787. This adds a Started
callback (originally suggested as ServerStarted) to the component, so
you get a callback right away when the server is started.
The original patch wasn't documented, so I documented it. The bulk of
this commit involves tidying up the documentation while I was
rummaging through it.
2004-11-16 08:25:54 by teknikill
tests/20_resources/00_base/caller_state.pm 1.1
2004-11-16 07:58:58 by teknikill
tests/20_resources/00_base/events.pm 1.2
CALLER_STATE modifications
2004-11-16 07:54:12 by teknikill; lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.41;
lib/POE/Loop/PerlSignals.pm 1.8; lib/POE/NFA.pm 1.30;
lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.13; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.17;
lib/POE/Resource/Statistics.pm 1.3; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.104
2004-11-16 07:50:15 by teknikill; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.308
CALLER_STATE and get_active_event added
2004-11-16 07:13:04 by rcaputo; lib/POE/API/ResLoader.pm 1.4;
lib/POE/Driver/SysRW.pm 1.29; lib/POE/Filter.pm 1.14;
lib/POE/Filter/Block.pm 1.15; lib/POE/Filter/Grep.pm 1.6;
lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.36; lib/POE/Filter/Reference.pm 1.31;
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.307; lib/POE/Loop.pm 1.5;
lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.40; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.45;
lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.10; lib/POE/NFA.pm 1.29;
lib/POE/Preprocessor.pm 1.34; lib/POE/Queue/Array.pm 1.7;
lib/POE/Resource/Aliases.pm 1.11; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.16;
lib/POE/Resource/Statistics.pm 1.2; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.103;
lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.51; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.35;
lib/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm 1.69; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.60
Applied LARRYSH's massive spellchecking patch. This resolves
rt.cpan.org ticket 8451.
2004-11-15 23:28:01 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.102
Fixed a typo in the POD, resolving rt.cpan.org ticket 8358 by Joost
Vunderink. He also has the greatest .sig in his bug report. You
should go look at it.
2004-11-15 23:23:36 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/Stackable.pm 1.6
This commit resolves rt.cpan.org ticket 8281: Attached patch brings
Filter::Stackable into the get_one Filter API era.
There are no known issues with the new feature, but it remains
untested as of this time. Martijn van Beers contributed the patch and
is aware of his responsibility to fix anything it breaks.
2004-11-15 02:57:53 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/Reference.pm 1.30
Get rid of redefined subroutine warnings when POE::Filter::Reference
releads a partially loaded package. This uses the old school $^W
thing so Legacy Perl won't choke on "no warnings".
2004-11-12 14:51:53 by rcaputo
tests/10_units/05_filters/07_reference.t 1.4
Scott Beck pointed out that the qq{} wasn't future proof. The eval
could silently fail if @_ ever became populated. I've switched to q{}
and thrown in C<die if $@> to make sure it never happens... or is
found if it does.
2004-11-11 17:43:26 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.306; lib/POE/Loop/PerlSignals.pm 1.7
Allow users to register $kernel->sig("WINCH"). POE does not register
all %SIG entries by default anymore, so it's up to the developer to
determine whether SIGWINCH is safe in her environment. We no longer
need to block $SIG{WINCH}.
2004-11-11 17:21:09 by rcaputo
tests/10_units/05_filters/07_reference.t 1.3
Philip Gwyn said my changes to his test invalidated it. That isn't
surprising since I wasn't completely sure what was being tested. We
went over the details in IRC for a bit, and came up with a small
change to make it ideologically correct. This commit applies his
patch to fix my breakage of his earlier patch.
2004-11-10 02:35:12 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/Reference.pm 1.29;
tests/10_units/05_filters/07_reference.t 1.2
Rhesa Rozendaal reported a problem where XML::Simple uses a
serializer but not completely, resulting in the module being loaded
but not all methods being present. The situation fooled
Philip Gwyn submitted this test and change to reload the serializer
in this case, pulling all its methods into existence. KTHXAPPLIED!
2004-11-09 23:36:23 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.48
Removed the CAVEATS section, as the one caveat was ill thought out.
You can do a lot of things with POE::Component::Server::TCP,
including challenge/response protocols.
2004-11-08 20:48:13 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.15
Ok. This time for sure. Jonathan verified it before I committed it.
2004-11-08 17:07:13 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.14
We don't have tests that trigger the error I just "fixed", so the
"fix" had a bug in it. This fix should fix the "fix" in my last
commit. Unless it doesn't, in which case there'll be yet another.
2004-11-08 16:37:24 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.13
Jonathan Steinert pointed out that the "can't select a handle 2+
times" error was vague. This commit should fix that up good, a-yep.
2004-10-30 21:30:01 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Driver/SysRW.pm 1.28
Clear $! if syswrite() returns successfully.
POE wheels check $! to detect driver errors. Some tied filehandle
classes (this time Devel::SerialPort) don't clear $! on success.
POE::Wheel::ReadWrite would see this as an error condition, and bad
things would happen. Clearing $! on success makes wheel operations
more robust.
2004-10-16 17:22:00 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.305
Ever since the experimental stop() was added, and run() was
resumable, it annoyed me that combining them with POE::Wheel::Run---
to run POE kernels in child processes--- would not recalculate the
child kernels' IDs. As you may know, kernel IDs are meant to be
globally unique. They're a hash of the machine address, process ID,
and creation time. So it seems to make sense that spawned off POE
processes should have IDs different from their parents.
This change forces a kernel ID recalculation whenever stop() is
2004-10-14 04:24:20 by hachi; lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.78
In an endeavor to use SocketFactory without the POE::Kernel,
discovered that IO::Handle needs to be loaded to work properly. This
glitch never showed up before because Kernel.pm has use IO::Handle in
it for us. Added for completeness.
2004-10-13 17:48:28 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.34
After a lengthy study into the reasons for Term::ReadKey failing, it
was discovered that Perl 5.8.0 is to blame, most likely under
particular versions of the Linux kernel, or gcc, or a combination of
kernel AND gcc. Versions of Perl other than 5.8.0 work under the same
combinations of kernel and gcc, however. This commit documents the
research results, provides a test case to determine if "your" system
suffers from the problem, and recommends alternatives.
2004-10-13 16:54:26 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.107
This sample program is covered in the "Evolution of a POE Server"
tutorial at http://poe.perl.org/?Tutorials
2004-10-13 16:47:48 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.106
Removed the tk.perl sample program. It is superseded by the Cookbook
"Tk Interfaces" recipe. See http://poe.perl.org/?POE_Cookbook .
2004-10-12 20:13:51 by lotr; lib/POE.pm 1.180; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.304;
tests/10_units/03_base/01_poe.t 1.4;
tests/10_units/03_base/14_kernel.t 1.1
Remove the POE::Loop modules from the modules that need to be loaded
seperately, as they're being passed to POE::Kernel. Also die when
attempting to load more than one Loop. And add some tests to make
sure it works like we want to.
2004-10-12 16:49:48 by rcaputo
lib/POE.pm 1.179; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.303
Applying a patch by Martijn van Beers. This change adds syntax for
loading POE::Loop classes explicitly from POE::Kernel's import(). It
also adds code to POE.pm's import() that transfers Loop classes to
the new syntax. The upshot is that you can load classes explicitly
rather than let POE::Kernel figure things out. This is especially
important for event loops that identify as two or more event loops
(such as Glib and Gtk2).
2004-10-12 05:18:51 by rcaputo;
tests/10_units/01_preprocessor/02_macro_usebytes.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/02_pipes/01_base.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/02_pipes/02_oneway.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/02_pipes/03_twoway.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/03_base/01_poe.t 1.3;
tests/10_units/03_base/02_api_resloader.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/03_base/03_component.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/03_base/04_driver.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/03_base/05_filter.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/03_base/06_loop.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/03_base/07_queue.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/03_base/08_resource.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/03_base/09_resources.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/03_base/10_wheel.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/04_drivers/01_sysrw.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/05_filters/02_grep.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/05_filters/03_http.t 1.3;
tests/10_units/05_filters/05_map.t 1.2;
tests/10_units/05_filters/06_recordblock.t 1.2;
tests/20_resources/00_base/statistics.pm 1.2
Remove "use warnings" throughout the tests. It's amazing what flushes
out when you run the tests under a really really old version of Perl.
2004-10-12 05:06:31 by rcaputo; mylib/gen-tests.perl 1.2
Three-arg open is not supported in perl 5.005. This massages it back
to two-arg open.
2004-10-11 20:10:23 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.302; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.12
Move some RUNNING_IN_HELL code to an appropriate file. Namely, the
dummy F_[GS]ETFL constants. They fit better in
2004-10-07 22:04:46 by rcaputo; tests/10_units/03_base/01_poe.t 1.2
God kills a kitten every time someone doesn't use POE. This change
ensures that POE is being used, so no kittens will die on our watch.
We love kittens, and don't wish any harm upon them.
2004-10-05 15:50:39 by rcaputo; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.44
Removed the '-tests' parameters for each of the optional modules. The
tests are all in different places now, some of them don't exist, and
others exist multiple times... but only after they're generated from
2004-10-05 15:31:59 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Driver/SysRW.pm 1.27
Fixed some awkward indenting. This change is meaningless.
2004-10-05 15:30:42 by rcaputo; Makefile.PL 1.31
Swapped a couple words is a prompt, possibly making it easier to
2004-09-27 05:19:38 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.301
Fluffle said the documentation didn't explain how sessions are reaped
after terminal signals are delivered. Hey, that's true! Well, now
they do. Take THAT!
2004-09-23 21:49:44 by rcaputo; mylib/ExtUtils/AutoInstall.pm 1.6
17:35 <autrijus> dngor: hey. you may wish to start shipping POE with
EU::AI 0.60 soonish. CPANPLUS 0.050 and later had a problem with
EU::AI 0.5x; while I'm trying to solve it at the cpanplus end, it may
not be always as smooth as it can be.
Ok. This commit upgrades ExtUtils::AutoInstall to 0.60.
2004-09-17 07:11:04 by rcaputo
MANIFEST 1.105; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.300; lib/POE/Loop/IO_Poll.pm 1.31
In retrospect, it was rather dumb to rename Poll.pm to IO-Poll.pm.
While the hyphen makes a great filesystem character, it's not very
good for package names. Perl tends to think you're subtracting
barewords, and things just don't work out right. This commit renames
IO-Poll.pm to IO_Poll.pm. I hope this fixes it for good.
2004-09-16 01:38:17 by rcaputo
tests/90_regression/ton-stop-corruption.t 1.2
Turn on ASSERT_DEFAULT, like we're supposed to in tests.
2004-09-16 00:26:13 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.104;
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.299; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.11;
tests/90_regression/ton-stop-corruption.t 1.1
Ton Hospel discovered that stop() from some event handlers causes the
session that called it to be reaped twice. The second reap triggers
an inconsistency error when ASSERT_DEFAULT is enabled. This patch
adds a check to see whether a session is dead by the time its handler
returns (and bypasses a lot of moot garbage collection in the rare
cases that it is). It adds a performance penalty across the board.
There's probably a better way, but this is more immediate. This patch
also includes Ton's test case as a proper regression test.
2004-09-14 00:16:12 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.9; lib/POE/Queue/Array.pm 1.6
Ton Hospel made a couple interesting observations about POE's event
loop. First, the code could be tightened up. Perl assignments are
relatively expensive, and restructuring the code to avoid them means
a few percent increase in performance. His example appears as a
comment in POE::Queue::Array, marked with his name.
His second observation is that the Tk loop is about twice as slow as
it should be. Our workaround for high-priority Tk timers is rather
stupid. Ton works around it by maintaining separate "immediate" and
timer queues, and not using Tk to drive the immediate events. I've
commented on his idea in POE::Loop::TkCommon.
2004-09-08 05:59:59 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.298;
lib/POE/Loop/PerlSignals.pm 1.6; lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.8;
lib/POE/Resource/Signals.pm 1.12; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.101;
tests/20_resources/00_base/signals.pm 1.2;
tests/30_loops/00_base/k_signals.pm 1.2;
tests/30_loops/00_base/ses_session.pm 1.2
This commit moves signal deprecations forward. It incorporates a
number of changes:
POE has stopped dispatching _signal publicly. It's still used
internally, but programs will not receive it. Attempting to register
a _signal event handler will still result in a fatal error, however.
This has the nice benefit of pushing problems on users rather than
allowing them to fester quietly as bizarre runtime behavior. I'm all
for that since it's less support problems.
The return values of signal handlers are not significant anymore, and
you will not receive errors based on them. Using sig_handled() is
mandatory if you want to handle signals.
POE does not always register handlers for most of %SIG anymore.
Instead, it registers the handlers as needed when you call
$kernel->sig(). This means that Ctrl+Z (^Z) WILL suspend any program
that has not set a TSTP handler.
Signal dispatch is vastly simplified. It should be significantly
faster, although most programs won't notice a difference. Signal
dispatch is not that common.
Tests for deprecated behaviors have been removed.
Old emacs-style indenting has been changed to more conventional
indenting here and there.
The ses_session.pm test sometimes dumps core under Tk. It's not
consistent, and I'm not sure why.
2004-09-05 00:32:34 by rcaputo; mylib/coverage.perl 1.14
Stop excluding tests themselves. The reports don't cover all of the
POE modules when they are excluded.
2004-09-04 23:14:51 by rcaputo; tests/10_units/05_filters/03_http.t 1.2
This test contained a hardcoded path to t/19_filterchange.t, which I
just SO totally broke. I replaced it with $0 which seems to work
pretty well.
2004-09-04 23:06:14 by rcaputo; mylib/gen-tests.perl 1.1
This utility derives tests based on templates and different
2004-09-04 22:50:40 by rcaputo;
tests/10_units/01_preprocessor/01_preprocessor.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/01_preprocessor/02_macro_usebytes.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/02_pipes/01_base.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/02_pipes/02_oneway.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/02_pipes/03_twoway.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/01_poe.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/02_api_resloader.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/03_component.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/04_driver.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/05_filter.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/06_loop.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/07_queue.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/08_resource.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/09_resources.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/10_wheel.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/11_assert_usage.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/12_assert_retval.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/03_base/13_assert_data.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/04_drivers/01_sysrw.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/01_block.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/02_grep.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/03_http.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/04_line.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/05_map.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/06_recordblock.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/07_reference.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/08_stream.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/50_stackable.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/05_filters/99_filterchange.t 1.1;
tests/10_units/06_queues/01_array.t 1.1;
tests/20_resources/00_base/aliases.pm 1.1;
tests/20_resources/00_base/controls.pm 1.1;
tests/20_resources/00_base/events.pm 1.1;
tests/20_resources/00_base/extrefs.pm 1.1;
tests/20_resources/00_base/filehandles.pm 1.1;
tests/20_resources/00_base/sessions.pm 1.1;
tests/20_resources/00_base/sids.pm 1.1;
tests/20_resources/00_base/signals.pm 1.1;
tests/20_resources/00_base/statistics.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/all_errors.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/comp_tcp.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/k_alarms.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/k_aliases.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/k_detach.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/k_selects.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/k_signals.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/ses_nfa.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/ses_session.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_accept.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_run.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_sf_ipv6.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_sf_tcp.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_sf_udp.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_sf_unix.pm 1.1;
tests/30_loops/00_base/wheel_tail.pm 1.1;
tests/90_regression/neyuki_detach.t 1.1;
tests/90_regression/suzman_windows.t 1.1
These are the wonderful tests we're adding to replace the stinky old
ones. Some of these are the stinky old ones in new clothes, but just
for a little while until we can make less stinky ones from them.
2004-09-04 22:34:03 by rcaputo
Makefile.PL 1.30; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.43
Migrate the prompt bypassing code out of the 5.5+ Makefile generator
and into the base Makefile.PL. This is the code that skips
interaction if STDIN isn't a terminal, or if --default is specified.
2004-09-04 22:19:10 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.103; Makefile.PL 1.29;
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.25; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.42
Commit the new tests, the new utilities to support them, and
necessary changes to the install and distribution scripts.
2004-09-04 22:07:06 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.102
Remove the existing tests to make room for the new ones.
2004-09-04 21:49:41 by rcaputo; mylib/coverage.perl 1.13
Ignore modules within the test directory. Also allow coverage of
individual files on the command line. Great for one-off coverage
reports to see where a test program is deficient.
2004-09-02 00:51:56 by sungo; Makefile.PL 1.28;
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.24; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.41
add ability to opt out of network tests
2004-09-02 00:22:43 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.101; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.297
Renamed POE::Loop::Poll to POE::Loop::IO-Poll, to normalize the way
event loops are loaded. No exceptions for modules that begin with
IO:: now.
2004-09-01 17:41:08 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.296
Tweaked the POE::Loop loader to load things like Event::Lib as
POE::Loop::Event-Lib instead of POE::Loop::Lib. It still strips a
leading IO:: off the path for legacy (POE::Loop::Poll) support. At
some point we should probably have SourceForge move Poll.pm to
IO-Poll.pm and remove the IO stripping code.
2004-09-01 16:35:08 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.33
Nick Williams fixed a bug where pressing Return (^M) from within a
history search would insert the ^M character into the input line
before returning it.
2004-09-01 11:47:47 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.32
Nick Williams made extensive revisions to this wheel, adding most
(all?) of the gnu readline features. Command history search, custom
key bindings, .inputrc parsing, tab completion, vi and emacs modes,
it's all there!
2004-08-03 20:08:36 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.39
Ton Hospel discovered that POE::Loop::Event does not exit when an
event handler calls C<die>. The problem turned out to be Event.pm's
default exception handler, which turns the C<die> into a harmless
C<warn> and resumes the event loop. Well, POE's all inconsistent
inside and nothing will happen, so the program stalls hard. Even
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+\ don't terminate it. This commit replaces the
default excetion handler, turning it into a harmless C<warn> followed
by an equally harmless (yet eminently terminal) C<exit>. I originally
tried to use C<die> inside the exception handler, even setting
$SIG{__DIE__} = "DEFAULT", but it only sufficed to change the
original warning into some twisted, recursive form of it. And of
course the program didn't actually die. Now at least it exits.
2004-08-02 21:02:55 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.59
Mark Lawrence discovered that POE::Wheel::Run's shutdown_stdin()
method was broken. Probably because it was never actually tested.
This commit adds tests for shutdown_stdin() under different
POE::Wheel::Run conduits. It also hopefully fixes the originally
reported bug. The test itself will need testing on different
platforms since some systems don't support all of them. Most notably:
Windows and Solaris.
2004-08-01 23:44:21 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.47
An anoymous tipster pointed out that Acceptor is not valid when using
the ClientInput mode. Unfortunately the documentation implied that
they were ok together. Now the docs lead you slightly less astray.
2004-07-20 16:51:48 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.295;
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.23; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.40
Replaced the previous commit with File::Spec. This makes the event
loop loader ueber-portable to anything that runs Perl and has a
filesystem. Had to add File::Spec as a dependency in the Makefile
libraries, and did some reformatting while I was there.
2004-07-20 15:44:02 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.294
Improve Windows (and non-UNIXy) operating system compatibility. Using
modules with strange path separators would cause a startup error. The
pattern for strange path separators has been expanded to cover most
of them. Thanks to woggle for bringing the problem to my attention.
2004-07-16 14:44:56 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Extrefs.pm 1.10
Plug at least three memory leaks that only occur when ASSERT_DATA is
2004-07-16 02:37:43 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Signals.pm 1.11
Note a potential error condition in the source, and pose the question
of how to properly handle it.
2004-07-16 01:12:28 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Controls.pm 1.3
Replaced some silent returns with full-on croaks when a bad number of
parameters is passed to one of POE::Resource::Controls' methods.
Added a return 1; to _data_magic_finalize, since all the finalize
functions return true on success.
2004-07-16 01:10:16 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.18
Moved more assertions before their corresponding traces. This
continues to push the errors out to the user, rather than causing
strange side errors within POE::Kernel.
2004-07-16 01:09:08 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.12
Clarify what "blocked" events are in some comments. The code confused
me while I was working on some tests for it, so I thought "more
2004-07-15 21:20:45 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.17
Moved parameter test assertions before their corresponding traces.
This way the assertions can bail out before the traces cause more
errors deeper within POE (where the messages have less meaning).
2004-07-15 20:00:45 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.16
Add messages to the _trap() calls for various forms of internal
inconsistency. Perhaps a lot of them can be removed once the test
coverage gets close to its maxima.
2004-07-15 14:03:29 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.11
Comment some code to increment event reference counts. It's only used
in one place, so it's not a separate method like the decrement code.
2004-07-15 14:01:39 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.42;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.46
Docs: Clarify the role of the Args constructor parameters in both
Client:: and Server::TCP.
2004-07-15 13:58:10 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.293
The description of aliases was horrible. Now it's rewritten.
2004-07-13 03:46:50 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel.pm 1.19
Changed the way wheel IDs are allocated, so the first one evar is 1
(not 2). Added a private (also not documented) mutator to reset the
internal wheel ID counter so the tests can verify that IDs will be
reused properly after Perl's integer type rolls over (if evar). Oh,
and I documented that the POE::Wheel functions are called as just
that---functions, not class methods. This detail confused me while
writing some tests, and that's never a good thing.
2004-07-13 03:43:48 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/PerlSignals.pm 1.5
The SIGCHLD signal handler was not actually used. Instead we've been
polling for SIGCHLD for the longest time. So I removed the handler.
It was either that or listen to Devel::Cover complain "Oh, you're not
using this code!" every time. Bastard. :)
2004-07-11 06:30:53 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.7
The Tk event loop wouldn't end with TRACE_DEFAULT on (as in the
tests). It expected the exhausted event queue to have only one event
in it (the SIGCHLD polling event). With TRACE_DEFAULT, however, there
are two. The second is for runtime statistics gathering. This change
accounts for the second event when gathering statistics.
2004-07-11 05:46:30 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.292
Note some TODOs in the source. One's an ugly bit of logging---a
double message if a _trap isn't caught by eval. The other is a need
to exercise some code should waitpid() return a strange value. That's
an obscure assertion. It ensures that the operating system behaves
according to expectations (something that doesn't always happen,
especially when running on Strange New Systems).
2004-07-11 04:29:42 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.291
Replaced the use of some public API functions with the private API
functions they translate to. This reduces a level of indirection
inside POE::Kernel's extra reference count management (yay,
efficiency) and allows parameter errors to be reported correctly
(yay, correctness).
Oh, and I corrected a couple typos in some comments. Whee!
2004-07-11 01:03:49 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.290
Correct a typo in an error message. Also tidied up some whitespace.
2004-07-10 18:43:38 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.289
_trap_death() was not dying with the correct message. Now it should
2004-07-05 22:39:07 by rcaputo
MANIFEST 1.100; MANIFEST.SKIP 1.8; mylib/coverage.perl 1.12
Switch from our homegrown Devel::Trace-based test coverage reporter
to one using Devel::Cover.
2004-06-27 16:23:52 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.288;
lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.15; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.100
Include the _stop event handler's return value in the _child "lose"
(!!!) Programs that rely on the child session receiving _stop after
the parent receives a _child event will be negatively affected by
this change. The order of these events has been reversed so _stop's
return value can be passed to the parent session along with _child.
2004-06-22 19:05:02 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.287
Patched a doc nit noticed by Andrew A. Chen. Thanks, dude!
2004-06-13 16:49:37 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Preprocessor.pm 1.33
PAR understands POE::Preprocessor very well. Document this.
2004-06-13 16:48:28 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.178
Bump the version to indicate internal CVS development.
2004-06-03 22:10:58 v0_29
2004-06-03 22:10:58 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.177
Bump version to 0.29 for release.
2004-06-03 22:03:15 by rcaputo; mylib/testreport.pl 1.14
POE.pm was moved during a recent directory restructuring. The test
report generator did not know where to find it, so it silently
reported an empty-versioned POE. This change moves the POE module
load before tests, and makes it a fatal error if POE can't be loaded.
It also includes the new library directory, so POE can be loaded.
This should resolve RT ticket 6143.
2004-06-03 18:40:24 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/FileHandles.pm 1.10
Improve filehandle tracing while verifying a last minute bug report.
2004-06-02 03:36:53 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.286
This commit localizes $SIG{__DIE__} while loading POE::Resources.
Suggested by Philip Gwyn on POE's mailing list.
2004-06-01 21:26:32 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.285
Fletch pointed out that POE::Kernel doesn't discuss the POE_*
environment variables. This commit corrects the omission and revises
the introduction to POE's assertion and tracing flags.
2004-05-26 04:45:41 v0_28_08
2004-05-26 04:45:41 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.176
Bump the version for the next release candidate.
2004-05-24 22:08:23 v0_28_06
2004-05-24 22:08:23 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.175
Bump version to 0.24_06 for another release candidate.
2004-05-24 22:07:03 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.284
Clarify the description of session lifespans when aliases are in
effect. This is in response to a comment by Matt Cashner.
2004-05-24 21:50:25 by rcaputo; mylib/testreport.pl 1.13
Set the PERL_DL_NONLAZY environment variable for the test report
generator's harness. I am hoping this will solve some of the
differences in behavior between "make test" and "make testreport".
2004-05-24 21:48:20 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.77
Specify the address family and socket type to getaddrinfo() calls.
Whereas they pass on Mac OS X, the calls will fail without these
parameters on less forgiving systems like FreeBSD.
2004-05-24 14:02:08 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Preprocessor.pm 1.32; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.9
Lance Braswell made some specific recommendations for using
POE::Preprocessor with PerlApp. This commit notes the dynamically
loaded POE::Resource classes, and it relaxes the error checking for
missing modules in POE::Resources.
2004-05-24 04:34:09 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.76
Migrated the Socket6 code from the deprecated gethostbyname2() to the
current standard getaddrinfo(). The new call is heavy on
context-sensitive features, but it combines gethostbyname2() and
pack_sockaddr_in6() so it's not all bad. Also, Solaris should like
it, so this closes RT#6191.
Oh, and I made the t/29_sockfact6.t skip messages a little more
As usual, CVS is committing touched files along for the ride. It
doesn't matter that their content hasn't changed.
2004-05-22 05:16:59 by rcaputo
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.22; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.39
Worked around t/30_filter_httpd.t failing on outdated versions of
ActivePerl. Updated the dependencies versions to request the most
recent ActivePerl LWP modules. Skip the failing test on ActivePerl
versions before 5.008003. The things I do for a clean CPAN Testers
bill of health....
2004-05-21 22:37:45 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.38
Ton Hospel discovered that POE::Loop::Event wasn't terminating when a
single select_read() was turned on and off. This commit moves idle
detection in Loop::Event's dispatcher forward a little so it's sure
to run all the time.
2004-04-27 01:21:19 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.174
Fix the version number so CPAN won't index it.
2004-04-27 01:19:29 by rcaputo; mylib/coverage.perl 1.11
Turn off the debugging.
2004-04-26 22:37:14 by rcaputo; mylib/coverage.perl 1.10
Fix the coverage reporting tool to find the source files in their new
2004-04-25 17:50:19 v0_2804
2004-04-25 17:50:19 by rcaputo; README 1.106
Tweak for the impending release.
2004-04-25 15:05:36 by rcaputo; mylib/cvs-log.perl 1.7
Add command line switches, and normalize whitespace so the results
are more machine friendly.
2004-04-25 14:58:34 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.173
Increase version number for release candidate.
2004-04-25 14:43:48 by rcaputo; samples/README.samples 1.2
Remove the dead files.
2004-04-20 00:52:13 by sungo; mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.21
find the tests in a different (less shell dependent) way so that
tools like testreport work as expected
2004-04-20 00:15:55 by sungo; lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.50;
lib/POE/Wheel/ListenAccept.pm 1.29; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm 1.68;
lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.75
(!!) complete XyzState to XyzEvent transition. This removes all
errors and warnings caused by use of the old State parameters in
Wheels. all tests pass in 5.004_005, 5.005_004, 5.6.2, and 5.8.3
2004-04-18 22:31:22 by sungo; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.99
merge in lotr's try_alloc patch. closes rt #6045
2004-04-18 18:56:30 by sungo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.283; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.98
unfortunately there are really two patches in here. first, remove the
"no warnings" calls that were breaking poe on perls older than 5.6.
replace them with $^W invocations as suggested by perllexwarn.
second, fix the TRACE_FILE magic that was causing older perls to lose
their mind. the comments here explain this in detail so i wont bother
explaining it here. its kind of magic but works well. i have tested
all this on 5.004 and 5.8.3 and all is well there (at least in
relation to this patch - theres more to come in 5.004 land)
2004-04-17 17:20:36 by sungo; lib/POE.pm 1.172; lib/POE/Loop.pm 1.4
fix some pod issues that pod2man was complaining about
2004-04-17 17:11:14 by sungo; Build.PL 1.10; lib/POE/API/Ctl.pm 1.2;
lib/POE/Resource/Controls.pm 1.2; mylib/cpan-test.perl 1.4;
mylib/cvs-log.perl 1.6; mylib/events_per_second.pl 1.2;
mylib/reportupload.pl 1.4
remove 'use warnings' everywhere to keep stuff from breaking on older
2004-04-17 16:58:42 by sungo; lib/POE.pm 1.171
update my email address
2004-04-17 14:17:52 by sungo; MANIFEST 1.99; lib/POE/API/Ctl.pm 1.1;
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.282; lib/POE/Resource/Controls.pm 1.1;
lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.8
add in the new POE::Resource::Controls and POE::API::Ctl modules. yay
2004-04-17 03:27:25 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.7
The redo statement is excessively clever. Commented it a little, per
sungo's suggestion.
2004-04-09 01:45:41 by sungo; Build.PL 1.9
2004-04-09 01:40:48 by sungo; Build.PL 1.6
cia cvs stats test
2004-03-13 03:07:52 by sungo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.281
expose kr_active_event
2004-03-13 01:55:39 by sungo; lib/POE.pm 1.170
up poe version for development
2004-03-13 01:54:29 by sungo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.280
add kr_run_warning into the kernel so it is usable outside of
Kernel.pm. all tests pass.
2004-02-17 18:27:48 by rcaputo
MANIFEST 1.98; samples/README.samples 1.1
Removed several of the sample programs. These are ones with
equivalents on POE's cookbook page.
2004-02-14 03:45:51 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.279
Philip Gwyn pointed out that the signal() documentation doesn't match
the full feature set of the method itself. You can send extra
parameters along with a fake signal, and now the docs reflect that.
2004-02-12 07:30:11 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.278
Applied Scott's patch to speed up call(), which in turn makes wheels
run something like 20% faster. It's not his ideal patch, but it's a
good compromise. We're still hashing out details on the mailing list
of his other patch. I think we're done except for the new function's
2004-02-12 03:51:22 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.41;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.45
Jay Strauss pointed out that we're using InputLiteral instead of
Literal in the I/O filter examples in the docs here. Fix that.
2004-02-02 22:37:47 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.40
Apply Corwin's doc patch exposing the "connect" event to the public.
2004-02-02 17:32:12 v0_2802
2004-02-02 17:32:12 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.169
Bump the version to 0.2802. This will be a CPAN-released update for
the ill-fated 0.28. I figure, why burn a hundredth version for a
fixup, especially since we're not entirely sure it's gold?
2004-02-02 17:24:51 by rcaputo
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.20; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.38
The generated META.yml must be touched early in Makefile.PL, or the
MANIFEST checker will have a conniption. A cow. A canary. All manner
of things which are not a Makefile will spring forth from MakeMaker's
loins without META.yml existing.
2004-02-02 17:03:20 by rcaputo
Build.PL 1.5; mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.19; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.37
Make Build.PL and Makefile.PL play nicely together. The distribution
build process still goes through Makefile.PL until I can figure out
how to tweak the dist targets in Module::Build.
2004-01-31 07:07:33 by rcaputo; Build.PL 1.4
Work around "Too early to specify a build action 'Build'. Do 'Build
Build' instead." per
2004-01-31 06:58:30 by rcaputo; Build.PL 1.3; MANIFEST 1.97;
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.18; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.36;
mylib/cpan-test.perl 1.3; samples/create.perl 1.7;
samples/fakelogin.perl 1.9; samples/forkbomb.perl 1.14;
samples/names.perl 1.9; samples/objmaps.perl 1.5;
samples/objsessions.perl 1.11; samples/packagesessions.perl 1.8;
samples/queue.perl 1.2; samples/selects.perl 1.13;
samples/sessions.perl 1.20; samples/signals.perl 1.14;
samples/tcp_watermarks.perl 1.3; samples/thrash.perl 1.13;
samples/watermarks.perl 1.5; samples/wheels2.perl 1.6
Clean up paths to point to the new lib/ directory.
2004-01-31 06:26:55 by rcaputo; mylib/ExtUtils/AutoInstall.pm 1.5
Update to version 0.56.
2004-01-28 23:24:00 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.96; Makefile.PL 1.27;
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.17; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.35;
mylib/coverage.perl 1.9; mylib/reportupload.pl 1.3;
mylib/testreport.pl 1.12
Hopefully this patch fixes all the paths to point to mylib instead of
lib. Developers and just plain folk who have CVS trees will need to
remove their lib directories and "cvs update -dP ." to reflect the
new mylib directory. There will be more files moved around shortly.
2004-01-28 23:19:13 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Wheel/FollowTail.pm 1.49; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.58
The 5.004-and-earlier dependency checker picks up spurious uses of
the phrase "use Foo" and treats them like module inclusions. We've
subtly tweaked the language in some warnings so they avoid the magic
2004-01-28 22:46:23 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.168
Bump version to 0.2801 for cvs development between CPAN releases.
2004-01-27 20:15:21 v0_28
2004-01-27 20:15:21 by rcaputo; MANIFEST.SKIP 1.7
Add more development artifacts.
2004-01-27 20:09:27 by rcaputo
Build.PL 1.2; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.34
The last commit DID modify META.yml. The new MakeMaker generates a
Makefile clause that creates META.yml during "make dist". That
clobbers the more complete Build.PL version we've been using. This
commit patches lib/Build.PL to find POE.pm in its current location.
It also patches Makfile-5005.pm so that "make dist" does not generate
a META.yml. Finally it commits a working META.yml.
In the future, META.yml should come out of cvs, and "make dist"
should generate a proper one.
2004-01-27 19:18:16 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.167
Bump POE.pm up to 0.28. META.yml doesn't change, but cvs still
includes it here. Silly cvs.
2004-01-26 00:20:06 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.35
add docs to warn about possible brokenness with libwww
2004-01-25 06:19:26 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.34
remove spurious warn
2004-01-25 06:14:34 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.33
add a better error condition in the case of a POST request in a 0.9
2004-01-25 02:51:07 by sungo; MANIFEST 1.95
2004-01-25 01:54:58 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadWrite.pm 1.67
Apocalypse found a bug in the documentation for put(). This is such a
major thing, I'm shocked nobody reported it sooner.
2004-01-23 05:32:40 by sungo; MANIFEST 1.94
add the new test to the manifest
2004-01-22 06:02:04 by sungo
mylib/Makefile-5004.pm 1.16; mylib/Makefile-5005.pm 1.33
(!!) Add core prerequisite of Test::More. Add the beginnings of tests
of Filter::HTTPD
2004-01-22 04:21:07 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.32
add error messages to every build_error call
2004-01-21 23:01:07 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/Block.pm 1.14
Optimize the semantics of Filter::Block's custom length codecs---no
more data copying, at least. Document the encoder/decoder
2004-01-21 19:53:01 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Filter/Block.pm 1.13
Implement Alexander Zangerl's suggestion that Filter::Block have
pluggable prepended length codecs. He's writing a C program to
interface with a POE server, and he doesn't like the C string
terminator (NUL, chr(0)) in the records. This closes rt.cpan.org
ticket 3812.
2004-01-21 17:27:01 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.93; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.277;
lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.37; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.44;
lib/POE/Loop/IO_Poll.pm 1.30; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.56;
lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.6; lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.10;
lib/POE/Resource/Statistics.pm 1.1; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.6
Renamed POE::Resource::Performance to POE::Resource::Statistics. The
new form follows the POE::Resource::{plural thingy here} naming
convention, and it opens the door for gathering statistics that may
have nothing to do with performance. TRACE_PERFORMANCE has also been
2004-01-21 06:48:25 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.57
Apply Gerald Richter's fix to his earlier patch. This corrects
Winsize behavior when STDIN isn't a TTY.
2004-01-21 06:27:46 by sungo; lib/POE/Filter/HTTPD.pm 1.31
style nit pick. replace some random hard \t indents with the majority
2 space indents
2004-01-21 05:28:15 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Resource/SIDs.pm 1.9; lib/POE/Resource/Signals.pm 1.10
Minor style changes as a result of adding (then removing) a first
stab at mark-and-sweep garbage collection for sessions. Turns out
it's not needed just yet.
2004-01-19 22:11:52 by rcaputo; lib/POE.pm 1.166
I accidentally rewrote the documentation for this module.
2004-01-19 21:41:40 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.31
Hardcode some keystroke character sequences for a few common
terminals, including the various DEC VT sequences. This should fix
the input editing and history for most people.
2004-01-16 16:58:36 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm 1.9
Commit Nick Williams' patches to add documentation and fix some of
the numbers. I also moved the "blocked" checking into
POE/Resource/Events so we can also calculate the average blocked
2004-01-16 16:44:27 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.276
Document run_one_timeslice().
2004-01-16 03:46:03 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.92; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.275;
lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.36; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.43;
lib/POE/Loop/IO_Poll.pm 1.29; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.55;
lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.5; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.5
Apply Nick Williams' POE::Resource::Performance class and the
TRACE_PERFORMANCE hooks to enable runtime wallclock statistics. This
may be extended to include CPU time inside POE::Kernel, within POE
sessions, etc. It's still raw and experimental code; it does not
fairly compare performance between different event loops yet. The
various statistics have not been adequately defined, so we cannot
verify their accuracy. The profiling code itself contributes to POE's
overhead and may skew results against POE. Your mileage may vary.
Small parts may present a choking hazard. Use only as directed.
2004-01-15 22:34:04 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/IO_Poll.pm 1.28
Second attempt to define POLLRDBAND if it wasn't already.
2004-01-15 22:18:44 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.44; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.274
Meaningless style tweaks.
2004-01-15 22:17:46 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/IO_Poll.pm 1.27
Define POLLRDBAND if it's not available. This occurs on MacOSX quite
2004-01-09 23:11:17 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.273
Apply Graham Barr's patch to REALLY disable SIGCHLD polling when
running as an Apache handler.
2004-01-05 22:37:36 by rcaputo
lib/POE/NFA.pm 1.28; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.97
Wrap postbacks in unblessed, anonymous subs under Tk. Tk blesses its
callbacks, which conflicts with our blessed postbacks. This works
around the problem.
2004-01-04 06:14:06 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/ReadLine.pm 1.30
Matt Cashner pointed out that ^D on an empty line should throw an
exception. This commit adds the "eot" exception to do just that.
2003-12-20 19:40:02 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.272
While discussing libevent, I realized that a POE::XS::Loop::Libevent
would not have a trigger module. There would be no IO::Poll-like
module that causes POE::Kernel to autoload it. So this patch tweaks
the loop autoloader to honor explicitly loaded event loops and not
try to load the default select loop.
2003-12-18 15:37:00 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.96
Applied Alex Avriette's documentation patch. This mentions the return
values from new() and create().
2003-12-18 04:29:05 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Wheel/Run.pm 1.56
Applied Gerald Richter's patch to allow setting the child process'
window size if it's run in a pty.
2003-12-16 04:58:46 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.271
Improve error detection in the POE::XS::Loop loader. Add autoloading
for POE::XS::Loop::Select.
2003-12-16 04:56:49 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.54
Reorder the timeout calculation to reduce latency in select().
2003-12-16 04:55:42 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Resources.pm 1.4
Support auto-loading POE::XS::Resource::Foo if it's available. Fall
back to POE::Resource::Foo if the XS version isn't available or
cannot load.
2003-12-13 05:37:29 by rcaputo
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.270; lib/POE/Resource/Sessions.pm 1.14
Event loops. Look for POE::XS::Loop::$something before
POE::Loop::$something. It should be possible to include arbitrary
event loops now (Gtk2, for example). Likewise, now people can start
writing XS versions of event loops.
2003-12-12 04:05:06 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.269;
lib/POE/Loop/Event.pm 1.35; lib/POE/Loop/Gtk.pm 1.42;
lib/POE/Loop/IO_Poll.pm 1.26; lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.53;
lib/POE/Loop/Tk.pm 1.43; lib/POE/Loop/TkActiveState.pm 1.7;
lib/POE/Loop/TkCommon.pm 1.4
Remove the hardcoding for POE::Loop classes. Now POE::Kernel will
walk %INC and compare each module against the files in ./Loop (where
"." is wherever POE::Kernel is, according to __FILE__).
2003-12-11 18:06:21 by rcaputo; mylib/cvs-log.perl 1.5
Add a (commented out) option to go back farther in time. What's
really needed here is some sort of command-line flag.
2003-12-04 23:15:19 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.95
Applied a POD typo correction from Alex.
2003-11-28 17:12:08 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.268
Applied Scott Beck's patch to add a hard POE::Kernel stop.
2003-11-26 03:52:07 by rcaputo; lib/POE/Component/Client/TCP.pm 1.39;
lib/POE/Component/Server/TCP.pm 1.43; lib/POE/Driver/SysRW.pm 1.26;
lib/POE/Kernel.pm 1.267; lib/POE/Loop/IO_Poll.pm 1.25;
lib/POE/Loop/Select.pm 1.52; lib/POE/Pipe.pm 1.12;
lib/POE/Queue/Array.pm 1.5; lib/POE/Session.pm 1.94;
lib/POE/Wheel/ListenAccept.pm 1.28; lib/POE/Wheel/SocketFactory.pm 1.74
Replace POSIX errno constants with ones from Errno. The Errno module
has better errno support than POSIX in "special" environments like
ActivePerl. This commit addresses rt.cpan.org ticket #4476.
Beginning of Recorded History