2002-10-10 15:58:22 untagged

  2002-10-10 15:58:22 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.8

    Bump the version up to 0.98 for release. 

  2002-10-10 15:56:47 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.7

    Casey Zacek encountered a problem where select_read() would fail on a
    raw socket after a program had dropped its root privileges. His patch
    (applied) keeps the socket open in this case. 

  2002-09-10 03:35:21 by rcaputo; Makefile.PL 1.3

    Update contact e-mail address, and use cvs-log for the CHANGES file. 

  2002-09-10 03:35:05 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.6

    Add contact e-mail address. 

2002-08-27 12:23:17 v0_97

  2002-08-27 12:23:17 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.5

    Uh-oh. Many changes have gone uncommitted.

    Added Fletch's patch to accept a pre-built raw socket. It's possible
    to create a raw socket, drop down to regular user privileges, and
    *then* start pinging.

    L. Leo found a typo in poco_ping_ping(). I'm surprised it wasn't
    causing noticeable problems.

    Michael Ching added constants for the fields in Client::Ping's
    responses. This is nicer than relying on their order.

    Michael Ching also added a OneReply parameter, which should speed up
    Client::Ping when you know you're pinging individual hosts. OneReply
    short-circuits the timeout wait, returning at most one reply from any

    Michael Ching added a feature where, if the response event is an
    ARRAY reference, the first element is the event and the remainder are
    user arguments. These user arguments are passed back in the
    component's response.

    Michael Ching noticed that this component traps all signals. Now that
    POE's signal handling semantics are being fixed, this type of
    trapping causes programs to never exit. Michael updated the signal
    handler to work correctly now. 

  2002-08-27 12:20:02 by rcaputo; t/01_ping.t 1.5

    Increased the test's ping timeout to five seconds so it has a better
    chance of succeeding. 

  2001-10-17 16:22:12 by rcaputo; t/01_ping.t 1.4

    fix an off-by-one error in the OK messages 

  2001-10-17 16:21:49 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.4

    bump version to 0.94 

  2001-10-13 11:08:50 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.3

    documentation fixes 

Beginning of Recorded History