2003-09-04 05:57:33 v0_99
2003-09-04 05:57:33 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.11
"Jim" on Usenet discovered that the component doesn't clean up after
a OneReply response. This means the component lingers forever,
preventing programs from exiting with OneReply enabled. This commit
fixes that.
2003-02-22 20:15:18 v0_98
2003-02-22 20:15:18 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.10
Applied Decklin Foster's patch for a typo in the documentation's
sample code.
2003-01-03 16:27:09 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.9
Patch the SYNOPSIS per Ronan Waide's comments. Ideally, we would
replace them entirely with a sample program.
2002-10-10 15:58:22 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.8
Bump the version up to 0.98 for release.
2002-10-10 15:56:47 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.7
Casey Zacek encountered a problem where select_read() would fail on a
raw socket after a program had dropped its root privileges. His patch
(applied) keeps the socket open in this case.
2002-09-10 03:35:21 by rcaputo; Makefile.PL 1.3
Update contact e-mail address, and use cvs-log for the CHANGES file.
2002-09-10 03:35:05 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.6
Add contact e-mail address.
Beginning of Recorded History