2004-01-23 17:26:23 v1_01

  2004-01-23 17:26:23 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.15

    Bump the version number up. 

  2004-01-23 17:25:37 by rcaputo; MANIFEST 1.3; Ping.pm 1.14

    Improve sequence number tracking and cleanup. 

2003-12-07 17:57:58 v1_00

  2003-12-07 17:57:58 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.13

    Bump up the version! 

  2003-11-29 06:55:49 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.12; t/01_ping.t 1.6

    Applied Edward Henke's patch to correct a typo (and probably a memory
    leak) in a hash key. Also updated the test program with new ping
    targets, as the old ones seem to all be down for some reason. 

2003-09-04 05:57:33 v0_99

  2003-09-04 05:57:33 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.11

    "Jim" on Usenet discovered that the component doesn't clean up after
    a OneReply response. This means the component lingers forever,
    preventing programs from exiting with OneReply enabled. This commit
    fixes that. 

2003-02-22 20:15:18 v0_98

  2003-02-22 20:15:18 by rcaputo; Ping.pm 1.10

    Applied Decklin Foster's patch for a typo in the documentation's
    sample code. 

Beginning of Recorded History