0.09 Sunday 5th October, 2003
	Split Changes out from HISTORY pod section.
	Port to Module::Build
	We can now determine constant values in called_with.
	Partial fixes for http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=2878

0.08 2003-03-28
	Added caller_vars as a synonym for called_with
	Added caller_args

0.07 2002-11-21
	Fix to called_as_method from Rafael Garcia-Suarez to handle
	$foo->$method() calls.

0.06 2002-11-20
	Added called_as_method routine

0.05 2002-07-25
	Fix a segfault under ithreads.  
	Cleaned up some development cruft that leaked out while

0.04 2002-07-01
	Decode glob params too.

0.03 2002-04-02
	Refactored to share the upcontext code from PadWalker 0.08