2.04 Tuesday 16th February, 2010
Use CxTYPE macro rather than directly inspecting cx->cx_type
2.03 Tuesday 8th January, 2008
Rerelease from a linux host to avoid hateful OSX and its
hateful resource forks http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=32154
2.02 Friday 28th December, 2007
Make use of INT2PTR macro for great justice! (or 64-bit stuff,
it's hard to tell)
2.01 Thursday 27th December, 2007
Translated the XS and C into perl using B. Though the perl looks
much like C this gives a chance to make it more perlish in the future.
There's a tiny bit of XS left to expose some internals to perl space.
Dropped compatibilty for older perls (PadWalker doesn't work
there anyway)
0.11 Sunday 9th July, 2006
Fudge around the segfaults in 5.8.x ithreaded builds by
not looking up what the package variable is.
0.10 Wednesday 5th July, 2006
Use strlen rather than playing with SvLEN/SvCUR to determine
the length of identifiers in the pad. It's a theoretical
segfault waiting to happen, but one that isn't tickled by the
current test suite. Fixes failures under perl 5.8.8 as
reported by clkao.
0.09 Sunday 5th October, 2003
Split Changes out from HISTORY pod section.
Port to Module::Build
We can now determine constant values in called_with.
Partial fixes for http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=2878
0.08 2003-03-28
Added caller_vars as a synonym for called_with
Added caller_args
0.07 2002-11-21
Fix to called_as_method from Rafael Garcia-Suarez to handle
$foo->$method() calls.
0.06 2002-11-20
Added called_as_method routine
0.05 2002-07-25
Fix a segfault under ithreads.
Cleaned up some development cruft that leaked out while
0.04 2002-07-01
Decode glob params too.
0.03 2002-04-02
Refactored to share the upcontext code from PadWalker 0.08