0.06	22nd October, 2002
	-> Fix the code example for the ->grep clause (again from
	   Douglas Wilson)

0.05	21st October, 2002
	- ->grep clause - from original code from Douglas Wilson
        - Bugfix the demo code in the synopsis - pointed out by Barbie

0.04	10th September, 2002
	- create a correctly spelled writable rule (thanks to Iain
	  Truskett for this one)

0.03	24th August, 2002
	- backport to 5.00503 (hadn't tested before this point)

0.02	14th August, 2002
	- bugfix ->exec subrule invocation (thanks to Chris Carline
	  for pointing this out)

0.01	26th July, 2002
	- Inital release