Revision history for Perl extension Mail::Thread.

2.3   Wednesday 7th May, 2003
     - Container->topmost now scans depth first.  Incidentally makes t/1.t work correctly
       under both 5.8 and 5.6

2.2   Thurday 1st May, 2003
    - Changes to the pruning algorithm based on the Java implementation.
    - Implementation of subject based threading, also based on Grendel
    - Added support for ordering
    - Properly supports out-of-order message sources

2.0   Tue Mar 25 15:36:10 GMT 2003
    - Major update
    - Inheritability
    - Fixes to the algorithm based on the Python implementation.

1.1   Wed Jan 15 12:01:28 GMT 2003
    - Tweaks to the algorithm
    - More tests
    - Debug and noprune modes

0.01  Fri Jan 10 10:18:47 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-b 5.5.3 -AX -n Mail::Thread