Revision history for Perl extension POE::Component::Server::HTTP.

0.05	Tuesday 27th July, 2004
	Rejigged things into the new-fangled lib/*, t/*.t arrangement (richardc)
	The Fotango opensource repository is now subversion:
	HTTP/1.1 keepalive behaviour

0.04  Thu Oct  9 13:43:46 BST 2003
        Removed old _signal handler
        Specified correct dependencies in makefile
	Imported into Fotango opensource CVS at

0.03  Thu Nov 14 07:01:42 CET 2002
	Applied patch from
	Eric Calder to add a new shutdown event.
	Added signature file

0.02  2002-03-17
	Incorpated long overdue patch from Matt Sargeant to support 5.005
	Removed "use CGI::Cookie" since it wasn't used in the code.
	Changed typo to avoid warning (From Eric Calder).
	Made the installation work as intended with the subclasses

0.01  Wed Jan 16 21:57:03 2002
	First release