package Net::Douban; BEGIN { $Net::Douban::VERSION = '1.07_2'; } use Moose; use Carp qw/carp croak/; with 'Net::Douban::Roles'; our $AUTOLOAD; sub AUTOLOAD { (my $name = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://g; return if $name eq 'DESTORY'; if (grep {/^$name$/} qw/User Note Tag Collection Recommendation Event Review Subject Doumail Miniblog OAuth/ ) { my $sub = <<"SUB"; sub $name { my \$self = shift; if (ref \$self->{$name}) { return \$self->{$name}; } else { my \$class = "Net::Douban::$name"; eval "require \$class"; my \$obj = "Net::Douban::$name"->new(\$self->args, \@_,); \$self->{$name} = \$obj; return \$obj; } } SUB eval($sub); goto &$name; } croak "Unknow Method $name!"; } sub DESTORY { } no Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Net::Douban - Perl client for =head1 VERSION version 1.07_2 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::Douban; use Net::Douban::OAuth; my $consumer = Net::Douban::OAuth->new(...); # do authentication here for protected data $consumer->request_token; $consumer->access_token; my $client = Net::Douban->new( oauth =>$consumer); my $atom = $client->User(userID => 'Net-Douban')->get_user; print $atom->id; .... =head1 DESCRIPTION Net::Douban is a perl client wrapper on the Chinese website '' API. =head1 METHODS =over =item B<new> $client = Net::Douban->new(oauth => $consumer, apikey => $key); =item B<Auto-Generated Objects> #Net::Douba::User object $client->User; #Net::Douban::Event object $client->Event; ... Auto-generated objects include: B<User Note Tag Collection Recommendation Event Review Subject Doumail Miniblog OAuth> =back =head1 Website data Access Generally an apikey is required for you to access the service. Goto L<> for an apikey If you want to access some private or so called protected data, you have to use a authenticated oauth object, which has basic implements on the HTTP methods just like "GET POST PUT DELETE", to access the protected data, L<Net::Douban::OAuth> can do this for you. Goto L<> for more OAuth document. =head2 We don't generate XML for you If you want to post data to some page. Net::Douban::* can do the basic POST/DELETE/PUT works, but it won't generate any XML for you, so you have to call those methods with a (xml => $XML) argument; =head1 Paging Paging is support by passing argments 'start_index' and 'max_results' to search functions. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Net::Douban> L<Net::Douban::Atom> L<Net::Douban::OAuth> L<Moose> L<XML::Atom> L<> =head1 AUTHOR woosley.xu<> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by woosley.xu. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut