Revision history for Perl module MooX::Cmd

0.010 2014-12-02
    - switch distribution tooling from Dist::Zilla to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
    - Added Changes file with content based on git log according to
      CPAN::Changes::Spec (Neil Bowers)
    - Apply typo fixes for documentation from David Steinbrunner
    - Sven Schober provided heavily improved description

0.009 2014-02-08
    - Apply submitted fix for RT#91481 - without test ..
    - fix RT#91500 - incorrect execute_return if ...
      The implication was wrong, indeed - but the effort was increadible.
      Testing sucks :P
    - distinguish between test_cmd and test_cmd_ok
    - after chained constructor, we can use getters
    - add missing prereqs

0.008 2013-11-13
    - groundwork for testing with Mo(o(se))
    - add THANKS section
    - final test for MooX::Options 3.99
    - eliminate hidden/private __moox_cmd_chain param
    - massively increase test coverage

0.007 2013-11-07
    - improve test coverage of MooX::Cmd::Role
    - 100% test coverage of MooX::Cmd
    - add some documentation for MooX::Cmd::Tester
    - ignore editor temp files and backup files
    - enhance and fix tests
    - Adopt basic tests using tester API
    - steal some code from App::Cmd::Tester and adopt
      Basic test infrastructure ... needs fine tuning, but first steps
      are done that way.
    - BAIL_OUT when unable to load MooX::Cmd
      No further testing possible nor reasonable

0.006001 2013-11-06
    - remove superfluous "my" causing undef command_name

0.006 2013-11-05
    - Merge

0.005 2013-11-05
    - Merge into rehsack
    - correct content of command_name attribute
    - Merge

0.004 2013-11-02
    - New travis config
    - Add some comfort as primary author desires
      To avoid scaring users the Getty wants some improved examples and an
      accessor for last cmd in chain.
    - Add some samples to role
      author wants ('examples') x INT_MAX - unfortunately he gets only one
    - Move initialization to MooX::Cmd::Role
    - Improve documentation
    - Allow Class->new_with_cmd->execute(...)
    - Move initialization sequence for cmd into role
      As discussed with primary author, a role having all neat information about
      the cmd state in attributes is smarter that passing arguments ...
    - Simplify loading commands to avoid stack frames
    - Remove trailing \t
    - Some safety first checks and minor optimizations
    - Allow commands show available neighbours/children
    - Merge
    - Merge pull request #2 from yanick/master
      only load commands if used
    - Bump Module::Pluggable version to stop 5.18 from
      whining and let it work smoothly on blead

0.003 2013-04-20
    - Switched to Author::GETTY, added .travis.yml
    - Don't load commands unless they are used
      This should make things much more zippy if we have
      more than a handful of commands.

0.002 2012-05-07
    - Added requirement for Package::Stash
    - Added documentation (hope it works ;) as told hehe) and use of Package::Stash

0.001 2012-02-10
    - First release to CPAN