package SQL::Dialects::Role; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(get_config_as_hash); our $VERSION = '1.400'; sub get_config_as_hash { my $class = $_[0]; my @data = split( m/\n/, $class->get_config() ); my %config; my $feature; for (@data) { chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next unless ($_); if (/^\[(.*)\]$/i) { $feature = lc $1; $feature =~ s/\s+/_/g; next; } my $newopt = uc $_; $newopt =~ s/\s+/ /g; $config{$feature}{$newopt} = 1; } return \%config; } =head1 NAME SQL::Dialects::Role - The role of being a SQL::Dialect =head1 SYNOPSIS package My::SQL::Dialect; use SQL::Dialects::Role; sub get_config { return <<CONFIG; [SECTION] item1 item2 [ANOTHER SECTION] item1 item2 CONFIG } =head1 DESCRIPTION This adds the role of being a SQL::Dialect to your class. =head2 Requirements You must implement... =head3 get_config my $config = $class->get_config; Returns information about the dialect in an INI-like format. =head2 Implements The role implements... =head3 get_config_as_hash my $config = $class->get_config_as_hash; Returns the data represented in get_config() as a hash ref. Items will be upper-cased, sections will be lower-cased. The example in the SYNOPSIS would come back as... { section => { ITEM1 => 1, ITEM2 => 2, }, another_section => { ITEM1 => 1, ITEM2 => 2, } } =head1 SEE ALSO L<SQL::Parser/dialect()> =cut