Revision history for Perl module Test::WriteVariants
0.009 2014-12-12
- add GPL-1 license text as it's fulfilling basic requirements
- fix date of 0.008 release in Changes
0.008 2014-12-08
- Polish up the Kwalitee of the distribution
- add rough description for public context methods
- rewrite Changes according to CPAN::Changes::Spec
- deploy correct license texts
0.007 2014-03-23
- Add more documentation, including full example.
0.006 2014-03-21
- Fix CPAN permissions
0.005 2014-03-19
- Removed use of autodie.
0.004 2014-03-16
- Treat undef for env var as meaning 'ensure not in %ENV'.
- Add control of test_prefix plus assorted fixes.
- Restore search_path param to find_input_test_modules().
- Require at least one variant plugin to be found.
0.001 2014-03-15
- Initial release based on prototype in