Revision history for Perl extension Unix::Statgrab.
0.110_001 2016-04-14
- harden tests
* eval around all statgrab calls & don't prove result when exception catched
* check for result and error, if no result received
- harden passing strings from libstatgrab to perl
- improve author tests and so improve documentation
0.109 2015-07-10
- documentation improvements using pod and spelling checker
- remove upstream included "_default_headers_with_perl" C::AC method
0.108_001 2015-02-03
- add full flavored struct accessors and implement all in XS, supports now
colnames, fetchrow_arrayref, fetchall_arrayref, fetchrow_hashref, fetchall_hashref,
fetchall_hash fetchall_array fetchall_table
- as_list is deprecated in favor of fetchall_hash
0.107 2015-01-20
- eliminate potential memory leaks in get_fs_stats, get_network_io_stats,
get_network_iface_stats, get_process_stats
- add support for device_canonical
- update bundled ppport.h to 3.28 one
0.016 2015-01-06
- update meta-information
- update author tests
- take advantage of Config::AutoConf 0.306
0.105_001 2014-09-07
- take advantage of Config::AutoConf 0.23
- switch to ExtUtils::MakeMaker, it seems more active maintained
- add a test for possible leak
- improve repository documentation (
0.104 2014-02-20
- fix link targets for stats description
0.103 2014-02-19
- learn include paths and linker flags from pkg-config, if available
- keep configure phase settings persistent for building stage
- redo meta_add using meta-spec v2
* includes developer deps to please ribasushi
0.102 2013-09-28
- Update repository URI - it's now officially hosted on
with a mirror on GitHub for issue tracking and easy deal with
pull requests
0.101 2013-09-10
- depend on 'parent' not 'parant' (Thanks to Chris Weyl)
0.100 2013-09-09
- add POD for generic methods
- return stats in integer representation, if valid (read: if
UV can hold any value of unsigned long long)
- add "parants" to configure_requires
0.099_002 2013-09-06
- Update POD to match current functionality
- introduce as_list() for each object
- Changes reformatted as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
- Fix Build to make the distribution more CPAN testers friendly
0.099_001 2013-08-03 19:13:04 CEST
- Update Unix::Statgrab for being used with libstatgrab 0.90
- kick out all "special" handling (process_stats, cpu_percents)
and replace them by general stats as naturally provided
- move pod tests to xt/ making them Author only tests
0.04 2005-09-22 08:20:59 CEST
- 0.12 is now required for compilation
- therefore: additional statistics for get_fs_stats()
- fixed a minor nit in the POD tests:
make sure that Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage are
installed in the required minimum versions
(thanks to Ricardo Signes <rjbs AT cpan DOT org>)
0.03 2005-04-03 07:38:20 CEST
- POD- and POD-coverage-tests
0.02 2004-06-21 07:05:16 CEST
- running Makefile.PL could nuke /dev/null. Fixed.
(Tim Bishop <tim AT bishnet DOT net>)
- some DESTROY methods missing which potentially lead
to some slight memory leaks. Fixed.
- added sg_get_process_stats(). I must have missed that one
for some reason.
0.01 2004-05-21 06:57:16
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with
"h2xs -O -b 5.5.3 -n Unix::Statgrab /usr/local/include/statgrab.h"