Revision history for Perl extension FASTASequence.

0.07  2014-01-05T23:42:11
    - switch to Dist::Zilla

0.06  2004-03-05T07:59:23
    - a bug in my upload tool included the distro in the
      archive. this is now fixed...
    - switched to Artistic License 2.0
    - removed Exporter as dependency

0.05  2004-03-04T07:59:23
    - cleanup of META.yml
    + more tests

0.03  2004-03-03T07:59:23
    - export sequence-information to XML

0.02  2004-03-02T07:59:23 
    - more description lines are accepted

0.01  2004-03-01T07:59:23
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
        -XA -n FASTASequence