Revision history for Perl EPublisher.
1.21 2015-01-14
+ add metaresources, now EPublisher can be picked for the CPAN PullRequest Challenge
1.0 2013-07-11
+ exclude directories
0.9 2013-07-11
+ add extract_package to get namespace of package
+ use namespace as title
0.8 2013-07-11
+ check if a PPI object was created
+ handle lists of directories in Dir plugin (source)
+ improved tests for Dir plugin
0.7 2012-05-03
+ improve utf-8 handling
0.6 2012-02-17
+ constructor accepts a hashreference as config, too.
0.5 2012-02-09
+ allow arbitrary titles (defined in YAML config)
0.41 2012-01-29
- minor documentation improvements
- fixed prerequesits
0.4 2012-01-26
- changed return values of source plugins
- changed format of parameters accepted by target plugins
0.3 2010-11-12
- original version