Changes for EPublisher::Source::Plugin::PerltutsCom

0.6_02 2019-02-27 19:57:00

    - improve tests
    - fix bug in _get_pod: Check the status, not the hashref ;-)

0.6_01 2019-02-26 19:54:00

    - add tests
    - remove Moo dependency

0.6  2019-02-25 17:10:00

    - fix list of prerequesits

0.5  2019-02-24 19:24:00

    - update dist.ini
    - first step for reorganizing code
    - add standard files

0.3  2012-12-07
    - shortened pod message to debug log

    - fixed test failures

0.1  2012-09-21
    - initial release