Revision history for Perl extension FabForce::DBDesigner4.

0.34 2015-01-16

    + added metaresources to dist.ini
    + added todo

0.32  2013-03-20

    + keep more details about columns

0.31  2011-10-27

    + add *::SQL::Sqlite to handle autoincrement in sqlite
    + added tests for new module

0.306  2010-11-28

    + fix manifest check

0.305  2010-11-26

    + \a in column attributes have to be substituted with '
    + move to Dist::Zilla

0.304  2009-11-22

    + fix bug in META.yml

0.303  2009-11-22

    + bumped version of FF::DBD::SQL, as the PAUSE indexer said, that a
      previous version of FF::DBD had a higher version of FF::DBD::SQL included

0.302  2009-08-14

    + added Perl::Critic tests for *::SQL::Utils and *::SQL::Mysql
    + Version bumps for changed files

0.301  2009-08-12

    + reorder MANIFEST
    - bugfix: take care of params for datatypes
    + add tests for bugfix
    + change license information to be more specific

0.3  2009-08-12

    + add sql_options when creating sql. currently only mysql backend supports that

0.201  2009-05-06

    + add test for mysql and drop tables
    + minor bugfix in mysql module

0.2  2009-05-05

    + remove sql parsing functions
    + remove xml writing functions
    + add mysql specific module
    + update documentation

0.14 2009-01-06

    + bugfix in XML parsing: add default value even it is "0"
    + do not "AUTOINCREMENT" on non-numeric columns
    + add tests for new functionality

0.13 2009-01-03

    + add parameter for DB type to support different SQL dialects
       currently supports:
        * mysql
        * other
    + add test for mysql

0.12 2008-05-13

    + added check for env variable RELEASE_TESTING in 98_perl_critic.t

0.10 2007-07-28

    - bugfix: removed wrong prereq in 98_perl_critic.t

0.09 2007-07-25

    + added test: 98_perl_critic.t
    + changed: adopted some Perl::Critic metrics
      - bugfix: unique column names in column_names
      + major code cleanup: removed all the nasty global vars
      - removed use of Data::Dumper
0.08  2007-07-10   
      + code cleanup 
      + some workarounds for missing details in xml information
      + column_names()
      + code cleanup
      + get_foreign_keys()

0.06  2006-11-21

    Tests improved

0.04  2006-10-30 
      + getSQL() added: get the CREATE statements
      + getSQL() added: get the CREATE statements
0.03  2006-01-27

    - fixed one minor bug
    - typo in documentation

0.01  2005-08-08

	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XA -b 5.6.1 -n FabForce::DBDesigner4