Release history for Module::OTRS::CoreList

0.08    2015-01-30

  * 3.2.17
  * 3.3.11
  * 4.0.3
  * 4.0.4
  * 4.0.5

  * Add metadata for resources to dist.ini

0.07    2014-12-04

  * save memory by not indenting the hash dump

  * many more otrs versions

0.06    2014-05-17

  * 3.3.7 was released

0.05    2014-04-14
        + add more OTRS versions

0.04    2013-10-10
        + add more OTRS versions
        + fix some bugs
          - !$var =~   vs. $var !~
          - return if no version is passed
          - used a lexical variable instead of the global hash, so the wrong modules were returned
        + fix format of Changes file

        Module generation
        + save modules in sqlite db, so that future generations just need to download new OTRS versions
          - performance improvements
          - more stable
        + generate complete module, not only dump of hashes
        + define version of module/dist in dist.ini

        Dist::Zilla use:
        + do not use PodWeaver as the .pm is too big, create POD manually
        + use @Git Bundle

0.02    2011-03-2011
        + add script to get the modules
        + add tests
        + update module list up to OTRS 3.0.6

0.01    2010-12-23
        + initial release