Release history for Mojolicious-Plugin-AdditionalValidationChecks
0.17 2020-08-19 16:32:00
* fix typo (thanks @haarg, GH#6)
* Add CPANCover badge to README
0.15 2018-12-31 12:53:00
* Improve checks and tests
0.14 2016-06-17
* fixed handling of phone number checks (thanks to Florian Heyer, #2)
0.13 2014-01-02
* add check for ISO dates (YYYY-MM-DD)
0.12 2014-12-28
* add "number" check (float || int)
0.11 2014-12-27
* add between check
0.10 2014-12-26
* add check for ipv6
0.09 2014-12-25
* add ip check
0.08 2014-12-24
* add hex check
* add float check
* Add Acknowledgements
0.07 2014-12-22
* add UUID check
0.06 2014-12-11
* add color check
0.05 2014-12-11
* Added Net::Domain::TLD as prereq as TravisCI reported a problem under Perl 5.20
* Added TravisCI config
0.04 2014-12-08
* add "not" check
* remove local test as this wasn't stable
0.03 2014-12-01
* add length check and tests
0.02 2014-11-30
* add phone check and tests
0.01 2014-11-29
* initial release