Release history for Mojolicious::Plugin::FormFieldsFromJSON::Date

1.00 2018-04-10 08:58:00

  * Fixed tests as Mojolicious changed the "selected" attribute a long time ago (thanks, Paul Cochrane)

  * Paul Cochrane did a lot of work to improve the quality, like
    adding META information

0.03 2015-01-01

  * pass startyear to year dropdown generation

  * shown days an months aren't formatted, so fix the tests

0.02 2014-12-31

  * The tests worked only on Dec 29th, 2014. This is fixed now!
  * Added tests for default values (defined in field config, via request, passed in method call and fallback)

0.01 2014-12-29

  * allow additional type "date" for Mojolicious::Plugin::FormFieldsFromJSON