History for Mojolicious::Plugin::I18NUtils

0.08 2014-12-18

  * add helper 'range'

  * document currency, decimal, range

0.07 2014-12-16

  * add helper 'decimal' to format numbers (using CLDR::Number)

0.06 2014-12-15

  * add helper 'currency' to format currency strings (using CLDR::Number)

0.05 2014-12-11

  * use Mojo::Base instead of "parent" (thanks Красимир Беров - github: kberov, PAUSE: BEROV)

0.04 2014-12-11

  * re-release as 0.03 included too many files

0.03 2014-12-11

  * gain more speed thanks to state variables (thanks Красимир Беров - github: kberov, PAUSE: BEROV)

0.02 2014-12-10

  * Fix bug in Pod

0.01_1  2014-12-10

      * initial release