Release history for Perl::Critic::RENEEB

2.04  2020-11-30 12:17:00

  * Add one policy to require postdereferencing
  * fix metadata (http => https) (thanks @szabgab)

2.03  2020-11-26 20:35:00

  * Add one policy to require the use of 'first' instead of 'grep'

2.02  2018-12-17 15:40:00

  * Be more generic with error messages

2.01  2018-12-15 13:56:00

  * add subclass of NamingConventions::Capitalization with parameter to exclude by 'Full qualified namespace'
  * improve documentation

2.0   2018-11-29 16:46:00

  * Removed 'strict' parameter -> it makes no sense
  * Added lots of tests

0.02  2015-02-23

  * Use Git-Bundle
  * Use Basic-Bundle
  * Add metadata for resources

0.01  2012-04-11

  + initial release