Revision history for Perl extension Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel.

0.01  Wed Oct 27 08:13:18 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XA -n Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel

0.02  Tue Nov 02 08:08:11 2004
	- bug in add_row() and set_headers() fixed.

0.03  Wed Nov 03 09:20:35 2004
	- new methods:
        	* output_as_string   returns the excel-data as a string
                * output_to_file     prints excel-data to a file
        - bug in set_headers() fixed

0.1   Fri Jan 07 10:25:15 2005
        - new methods:
                * errstr             returns the error message of last occured error
                * sort_worksheets    sort worksheets in asc or desc order
        - bug in output*-methods fixed
        - enhanced error handling

0.2   Tue Jan 11 11:14:23 2005
        - new method
                * sheets             returns a list of all worksheets
        - breaks sheets in several parts, if number of rows is greater than <lines> (32000)
        - bug in _make_excel() fixed

0.3   Mon Jan 17 09:44:12 2005
        - bug in output*-methods fixed

0.4   Mon Jan 17 10:48:32 2005
        - bug in output*-methods fixed

0.5   Wed Jan 26 10:33:18 2005
        - simple format support:
            * headers_format
            * data_format
            three formats allowed:
              * 's'    string
              * 'n'    number
              * undef  default
        - set_headers_format added
        - set_data_format added
        - bug in sort_data fixed

0.6   Tue Nov 15 01:47:33 2005
        - bug in output_to_file fixed
        - joined sorts
        - reset_sort added
0.7   Sat Dec 03 07:00:29 2005
        - filter in output_to_file deleted
0.8   Wed Dec 07 14:19:41 2005
        - support for "big" files implemented