Revision history for Perl extension Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel.
1.91 2015-01-19
* reformat Changes file
* switched to Dist::Zilla
* added TODO
1.9 2007-07-25
Bugfix in length checking
1.8 2007-07-15
Bugfix in t/97_manifest.t
check for length of worksheet name
1.7 2007-07-13
Bugfix in sort_worksheets
Set the "last_sheet" in several methods
rename tests
added t/02_synopsis.t
1.6 2007-07-05
Test scripts improved
1.5 2006-11-21
Test scripts improved
1.4 2006-11-19
Default Worksheet to several methods added to simplify life ;-)
1.3 2006-10-30
* output_to_test bug fixed: if filename is omitted and it was defined
for the constructor, the filename of constructor is taken.
1.2 2006-10-02
- cell values starting with '=' are no longer string values
the default format of Spreadsheet::WriteExcel is used
+ Test::Pod test added
+ Test::Pod::Coverage test added
+ Test::CheckManifest test added
1.1 2006-02-15
- one minor bug in _do_sort fixed
1.0 2006-01-13
- changes in documentation
0.9 2006-01-10
- output_to_XML added
0.8 2005-12-07
- support for "big" files implemented
0.7 2005-12-03
- filter in output_to_file deleted
0.6 2005-11-15
- bug in output_to_file fixed
- joined sorts
- reset_sort added
0.5 2005-01-26
- simple format support:
* headers_format
* data_format
three formats allowed:
* 's' string
* 'n' number
* undef default
- set_headers_format added
- set_data_format added
- bug in sort_data fixed
0.4 2005-01-17
- bug in output*-methods fixed
0.3 2005-01-17
- bug in output*-methods fixed
0.2 2005-01-11
- new method
* sheets returns a list of all worksheets
- breaks sheets in several parts, if number of rows is greater than <lines> (32000)
- bug in _make_excel() fixed
0.1 2005-01-07
- new methods:
* errstr returns the error message of last occured error
* sort_worksheets sort worksheets in asc or desc order
- bug in output*-methods fixed
- enhanced error handling
0.03 2004-11-03
- new methods:
* output_as_string returns the excel-data as a string
* output_to_file prints excel-data to a file
- bug in set_headers() fixed
0.02 2004-11-02
- bug in add_row() and set_headers() fixed.
0.01 2004-10-27
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-XA -n Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel