Revision history for Perl extension Test::CheckManifest.

1.21  Wed Feb 17 2010
      + return from sub when MANIFEST.SKIP does not exist

1.2   Wed Feb 03 2010
      + moved from SVN to Git (and adapted the filters in testfiles)
      + added support for MANIFEST.SKIP
      + small code improvements

1.1   Sun Nov 22 13:18:12 2009
      - CHECK as a label is not allowed in Perl > 5.11.x, so replace it
      + switched license to Artistic 2.0
      + bugfix in 01_selftest.t

1.01  Sat Dec 29 00:28:13 2007
      - fixes in test scripts
        - require 5.006001
        - allow more characters in path
      + added license to Makefile.PL
      + changed META.yml

1.0   Wed Dec 27 12:15:39 2006
      - bugfix: ok_manifest excludes files created by Module::Build

0.9   Mon Nov 27 09:35:26 2006
      - bugfix: ok_manifest files without blib (
      - bugfix: Test-CheckManifest.t  -- added ':' in character group (untaint $home)
      - bugfix: 99_pod_coverage.t -- removed all_modules and now T::P::C 1.08 or higher is required
      - bugfix: ref $_ --> ref($_)
      - bugfix: "filter" to exclude files that match on specific regexp from test
      + added:  00_load.t

0.8   Fri Nov 24 09:17:10 2006
      + added: T::CM now tests also on files that are not part of the distro but named in the MANIFEST

0.7   Thu Nov 23 12:58:54 2006
      + added: "filter" to exclude files that match on specific regexp from test
      + added: "bool" to combine "filter" and "exclude"
      + added: boilerplate.t

0.6   Tue Nov 21 22:22:22 2006
        Test scripts improved
0.5   Sat Nov 18 18:00:00
      - bugfix: T::CM now works under taint mode (
      + added : ok_manifest accepts hashref where specific dirs can be excluded
                from test

0.4   Thu Oct 19 10:47:27
      - bugfix: handles different newlines (mac, win, *nix)

0.3   Wed Oct 18 21:36:32
      - bugfix: CheckManifest works under Solaris now

      - bugfix: some files excluded from test

0.1   Fri Sep 29 09:18:09 2006
      - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
        -XA -n Test::CheckManifest
      + added tests for Pod coverage, Pod, Manifest