Revision history for WWW::Scraper::ISBN::AmazonDE_Driver

0.27    2015-01-31

  * fix changes file

0.26    2015-01-31

  * Deprecate module

0.25    2012-10-04

        + fix regex in t/02_die_welle.t

0.24    2012-10-03

        + minor fix in t/02_die_welle.t

0.23    2012-02-17

        + for some books the format of title and author changed

0.22    2011-12-28

        + description meta tag changed for some books

0.21    2010-08-08

        + adopt README
        + adopt License

0.2     2010-08-08

        + request the site for the ISBN directly

0.1     2009-11-22

        + fix some bugs in the tests
        + has changed the layout of the pages
        + switched to Artistic License 2.0

0.044   2008-11-05

        - a small fix in META.yml
        - a small fix in 02_*.t

0.043   2008-11-04

        + fix some bugs in the tests

0.042   2008-08-28

        + changed publish date of 'Die Welle' due to a new edition

0.041   2008-05-14

        + new upload due to changes on an internal tool

0.04    2008-05-13

        + some changes due to changes on

0.02    2007-09-18

        + Replaced RegEx by Web::Scraper
        + added some prereqs to Build.PL
        - bugfix: handle some more titles
0.01    2007-08-12

        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.