Revision history for perl module Text2URI
0.30014 2013-07-18
- Use Text::Unaccent::PurePerl instead of Text::Unaccent because undefined symbol: Perl_Imarkstack_ptr_ptr at debian 5 x86_64-linux =/
- No more encoding param, encode your string to perl-encoded before pass-it.
0.30014 2013-01-04
- Changelog version match last version!
0.30012 2013-01-03
- Changelog
0.3001 2012-01-03
- Use Text::Unaccent instead of removing accent with ascii encoding.
0.2 2012-01-02
- Change \W+ to [^\w\.]+ and add old_alphanumeric_regexp option
0.1 2012-01-01
- Initial release