Revision history for Perl extension Statistics::ANOVA.
0.01 Tue Jun 27 02:19:29 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AX --skip-exporter --use-new-tests -n Statistics::ANOVA
- uploaded via PAUSE June 2008
0.02-0.05 2008/06/26:
-added sub "add_data" for non-deleting loads; all calls to load unload
-all carps now croak
-nonparam flag for ensuring Friedman test appropriately "dump"-ed
-cleaned-up ranking operation in Friedman test to handle ties - thanks to Gene Boggs' Statistics-RankCorrelation
-added F-equivalent output option for Friedman test - thanks to "R" docs
-cleaned-up POD and dist, with example file
-removed bung sub fmax for now
0.06 2008/07/11
-generalised grand_total calculation within anova_indep which was appropriate only if equal number of observations per group: thanks to Cathal Seoghie for feedback that led to identifying this limitation
-handling "missing values": added checking and purging of elements that are undefined or NaN before loading; this also reduces the later checks and possible croaks
-added sub "table" for returning/printing a table of dfs, sums-squares, etc.; pretty formatting still needed ...
0.061 2009/03/13
-further work on appropriate handling of missing values and NaNs.