Revision history for Perl extension Time::LST.
0.037 Sept 2009 : continuing effort to make cross-platform friendly dist
0.03 Sat Dec 30 2006
- now able to make use of "08" for a month or day, which some module
croaked on otherwise
- handles Feb 29 for 1970 and 2037
- further cleanup of POD/man
0.02 Fri Dec 08 2006
- error corrected in conversion fn: use gmtime not localtime (thanks to Astro::Time author for pointing it out)
- conversion re-written to directly use core methods of Astro::Time, not its internal wrappers
- now_2_lst() method: added - simple route to what time is above your head, counting the stars
- ymdhms_2_lst(): third argument for timezone added - note it is CASE SENSITIVE for now:
we need to quickly distinguish between Sudan/Regional_city and SUDAN and so on ...
So ymdhms_2_lst() presently permits and restricts parsing of timezone by:
(i) Date::Parse (3-character (capital letter) format); or
(ii) DateTime ([C|c]ountry/locale string).
0.01 Wed Nov 22 01:49:20 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AX --skip-exporter --use-new-tests -n Time::LST