Revision history for CGI-Application-Plugin-HtmlTidy

1.01    2007-12-20  Rhesa Rozendaal <>
    - updated tests to comply with newer versions of
    - removed $opts{action} ||= 'validate'; I could find no reason why
      it was there in the first place, it seemed to do nothing, and it
      breaks with HTML::Tidy v1.08, which now supports tidy-options as
      a hashref (instead of just a config file).
    - added support for directly supplying tidy-options. This means we
      now require HTML::Tidy v1.08.

1.00    2006-11-20  Rhesa Rozendaal <>
    - typo fix in pod
      (thanks to Alexander Becker)
    - bumped version to 1.00
    - dist improvements to conform to CPANTS
0.51    2006-01-24  Rhesa Rozendaal <>
    - htmltidy_validate now loads its template by itself to avoid
      problems for people overriding CA::load_tmpl
      (thanks to Alexander Becker)
0.50    2005-10-04  Rhesa Rozendaal <>
    - made htmltidy_validate a report generator for CAP::DevPopup
    - API stable

0.01    Thu Apr 21 11:48:45 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XA -b 5.6.0 -n CGI::Application::Plugin::HtmlTidy