my @files_to_check = qw(; END { # shit already hit the fan return if $?; for my $f (@files_to_check) { if (! -f "inc/Module/Install/$f") { warn "Your inc/ does not contain a critical Module::Install component - \$_. Something went horrifically wrong... please ask the cabal for help\n"; unlink 'Makefile'; exit 1; } } } my $oneliner = <<"EOO"; -f qq(\$(DISTVNAME)/inc/Module/Install/\$_) or die "\\nYour \$(DISTVNAME)/inc/ does not contain a critical Module::Install component: \$_. Something went horrifically wrong... please ask the cabal for help\\n\\n" for (qw(@files_to_check)) EOO postamble <<"EOP"; create_distdir : sanity_check_inc sanity_check_inc : \t\$(NOECHO) @{[ $mm_proto->oneliner($oneliner) ]} EOP # keep the Makefile.PL eval happy 1;