package # hide from PAUSE DBICTest::RunMode; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { if ($INC{'DBIx/'}) { my ($fr, @frame) = 1; while (@frame = caller($fr++)) { last if $frame[1] !~ m|^t/lib/DBICTest|; } die __PACKAGE__ . " must be loaded before DBIx::Class (or modules using DBIx::Class) at $frame[1] line $frame[2]\n"; } if ( $ENV{DBICTEST_VERSION_WARNS_INDISCRIMINATELY} ) { my $ov = UNIVERSAL->can("VERSION"); require Carp; no warnings 'redefine'; *UNIVERSAL::VERSION = sub { Carp::carp( 'Argument "blah bleh bloh" isn\'t numeric in subroutine entry' ); &$ov; }; } # our own test suite doesn't need to see this delete $ENV{DBICDEVREL_SWAPOUT_SQLAC_WITH}; } use Path::Class qw/file dir/; use Fcntl ':DEFAULT'; use File::Spec (); use File::Temp (); use DBICTest::Util 'local_umask'; _check_author_makefile() unless $ENV{DBICTEST_NO_MAKEFILE_VERIFICATION}; # PathTools has a bug where on MSWin32 it will often return / as a tmpdir. # This is *really* stupid and the result of having our lockfiles all over # the place is also rather obnoxious. So we use our own heuristics instead # my $tmpdir; sub tmpdir { dir ($tmpdir ||= do { # works but not always my $dir = dir(File::Spec->tmpdir); my $reason_dir_unusable; my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($dir); if (@parts == 2 and $parts[1] =~ /^ [ \\ \/ ]? $/x ) { $reason_dir_unusable = 'File::Spec->tmpdir returned a root directory instead of a designated ' . 'tempdir (possibly'; } else { # make sure we can actually create and sysopen a file in this dir local $@; my $u = local_umask(0); # match the umask we use in DBICTest(::Schema) my $tempfile = ''; eval { $tempfile = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => '_dbictest_writability_test_XXXXXX', DIR => "$dir", UNLINK => 1, ); close $tempfile or die "closing $tempfile failed: $!\n"; sysopen (my $tempfh2, "$tempfile", O_RDWR) or die "reopening $tempfile failed: $!\n"; print $tempfh2 'deadbeef' x 1024 or die "printing to $tempfile failed: $!\n"; close $tempfh2 or die "closing $tempfile failed: $!\n"; 1; } or do { chomp( my $err = $@ ); my @x_tests = map { (defined $_) ? ( $_ ? 1 : 0 ) : 'U' } map {(-e, -d, -f, -r, -w, -x, -o)} ("$dir", "$tempfile"); $reason_dir_unusable = sprintf <<"EOE", "$tempfile"||'', $err, scalar $>, scalar $), umask(), (stat($dir))[4,5,2], @x_tests; File::Spec->tmpdir returned a directory which appears to be non-writeable: Error encountered while testing '%s': %s Process EUID/EGID: %s / %s Effective umask: %o TmpDir UID/GID: %s / %s TmpDir StatMode: %o TmpDir X-tests: -e:%s -d:%s -f:%s -r:%s -w:%s -x:%s -o:%s TmpFile X-tests: -e:%s -d:%s -f:%s -r:%s -w:%s -x:%s -o:%s EOE }; } if ($reason_dir_unusable) { # Replace with our local project tmpdir. This will make multiple runs # from different runs conflict with each other, but is much better than # polluting the root dir with random crap or failing outright my $local_dir = _find_co_root()->subdir('t')->subdir('var'); $local_dir->mkpath; warn "\n\nUsing '$local_dir' as test scratch-dir instead of '$dir': $reason_dir_unusable\n"; $dir = $local_dir; } $dir->stringify; }); } # Die if the author did not update his makefile # # This is pretty heavy handed, so the check is pretty solid: # # 1) Assume that this particular module is loaded from -I <$root>/t/lib # 2) Make sure <$root>/Makefile.PL exists # 3) Make sure we can stat() <$root>/Makefile.PL # # If all of the above is satisfied # # *) die if <$root>/inc does not exist # *) die if no stat() results for <$root>/Makefile (covers no Makefile) # *) die if Makefile.PL mtime > Makefile mtime # sub _check_author_makefile { my $root = _find_co_root() or return; my $optdeps = file('lib/DBIx/Class/Optional/'); # not using file->stat as it invokes File::stat which in turn breaks stat(_) my ($mf_pl_mtime, $mf_mtime, $optdeps_mtime) = ( map { (stat ($root->file ($_)) )[9] || undef } # stat returns () on nonexistent files (qw|Makefile.PL Makefile|, $optdeps) ); return unless $mf_pl_mtime; # something went wrong during co_root detection ? my @fail_reasons; if(not -d $root->subdir ('inc')) { push @fail_reasons, "Missing ./inc directory"; } if(not $mf_mtime) { push @fail_reasons, "Missing ./Makefile"; } else { if($mf_mtime < $mf_pl_mtime) { push @fail_reasons, "./Makefile.PL is newer than ./Makefile"; } if($mf_mtime < $optdeps_mtime) { push @fail_reasons, "./$optdeps is newer than ./Makefile"; } } if (@fail_reasons) { print STDERR <<'EOE'; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ======================== FATAL ERROR =========================== !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a number of reasons to believe that this is a development checkout and that you, the user, did not run `perl Makefile.PL` before using this code. You absolutely _must_ perform this step, to ensure you have all required dependencies present. Not doing so often results in a lot of wasted time for other contributors trying to assist you with spurious "its broken!" problems. By default DBICs Makefile.PL turns all optional dependencies into *HARD REQUIREMENTS*, in order to make sure that the entire test suite is executed, and no tests are skipped due to missing modules. If you for some reason need to disable this behavior - supply the --skip_author_deps option when running perl Makefile.PL If you are seeing this message unexpectedly (i.e. you are in fact attempting a regular installation be it through CPAN or manually), please report the situation to either the mailing list or to the irc channel as described in The DBIC team Reasons you received this message: EOE foreach my $r (@fail_reasons) { print STDERR " * $r\n"; } print STDERR "\n\n\n"; require Time::HiRes; Time::HiRes::sleep(0.005); print STDOUT "\nBail out!\n"; exit 1; } } # Mimic $Module::Install::AUTHOR sub is_author { my $root = _find_co_root() or return undef; return ( ( not -d $root->subdir ('inc') ) or ( -e $root->subdir ('inc')->subdir ($^O eq 'VMS' ? '_author' : '.author') ) ); } sub is_smoker { return ( ($ENV{TRAVIS}||'') eq 'true' and ($ENV{TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}||'') eq 'Perl5/DBIx-Class' ) || ( $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} && ! $ENV{PERL5_CPANM_IS_RUNNING} && ! $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} ) ; } sub is_ci { return ( ($ENV{TRAVIS}||'') eq 'true' and ($ENV{TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}||'') =~ m|\w+/DBIx-Class$| ) } sub is_plain { return (! __PACKAGE__->is_smoker && ! __PACKAGE__->is_author && ! $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} ) } # Try to determine the root of a checkout/untar if possible # or return undef sub _find_co_root { my @mod_parts = split /::/, (__PACKAGE__ . '.pm'); my $rel_path = join ('/', @mod_parts); # %INC stores paths with / regardless of OS return undef unless ($INC{$rel_path}); # a bit convoluted, but what we do here essentially is: # - get the file name of this particular module # - do 'cd ..' as many times as necessary to get to t/lib/../.. my $root = dir ($INC{$rel_path}); for (1 .. @mod_parts + 2) { $root = $root->parent; } return (-f $root->file ('Makefile.PL') ) ? $root : undef ; } 1;